
Eczema is sometimes referred to as dermatitis. The word derives from Greek meaning to boil over and is quite descriptive of the condition. Principle symptoms are redness, swelling, sensations of heat and itching.  The causes of eczema may be internal, external or a combination of the both. As with urticaria the causes are usually an allergic response that the body is finding a way to resolve. Food allergies, detergents, plant or mineral contact can all play a part in the development of allergic responses. Most common are foods including milk products, eggs, nuts, wheat products, fruits and shellfish.
Here is a list of some remedies useful in treating eczema. These remedies are only a partial list and it must be understood that eczema can become a chronic condition. When this is the case you must receive a full case and prescribe for the person and not just their skin. They are much more than their skin and allergic responses. The skin being the largest organ and at the surface will find many ways to express the derangement of the vital force.
  • Bovista – Moist eruptions with a thick crust. Aggravated during hot weather and at full moon.
  • Clematis – Moist eruptions that itch horribly. Worse washing in cold water. Worse from the warmth of the bed. Eczema worse during the waxing moon and better during the wane. Aggravation at new moon.
  • Croton Tiglium – Eczema over the whole body. Burning pains that hurt to scratch. Affinity for the face and genitals.
  • Graphites – Eruptions that are cracked and moist and bleed easily. Rough skin that cracks easily and exudes a gluey moisture. Honey like crusts or watery and clear fluids.
  • Mezereum – Eruptions on areas that are devoid of fat. Intolerable itching, worse from touch and the heat of the bed. Copious exudation. After vaccination. Eczema on the head that is covered with a thick crust. Hair matted and glued together. Exudation excoriates other parts.
  • Natrum Muriaticum – Eruptions especially at the margins of the hair. Worse from salt and salt air.
  • Petroleum – Chronic moist eczema. Oozing after scratching. Aggravated in winter. Eruptions in the folds of the skin. Rough cracked, bleeding and burning skin.
  • Rhus Toxicodendron – Thick crusts. Oozing exudation. Burning and tingling. Offensive discharge. The more you scratch the more you need to scratch. Better from a hot shower.
  • Sulphur – voluptuous itching. Feels so good to itch. Burning and soreness after itching. Dry, scaly unhealthy skin.Two babies with atopic dermatitis playing on the floor. Close-up of red, itchy, scaly rash.

For more details you can contact Dr.A.N.Das-91-9337404283 or Mail


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