Erectile Dysfunction

Now a days in 21st century if you watch television you have all become aware of the big problem of erectile dysfunction. Nearly every hour of television programming is riddled with advertisements for Viagra or Cialis. Erectile dysfunction is quite a popular subject; at least from the drug companies perspective. This is a billion dollar industry catering to erectile dysfunction. Drug therapy does not heal the problem and forces the body to have an erection. But homeopathy offers real healing.
Erectile dysfunction or commonly known as impotence is the inability of a man to achieve or maintain an erection. If a person is to heal from impotence the cause must be addressed. The most common causes are emotional in nature and only seldom have real physical causes. Emotional causes are;
  • Anger towards a partner
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Discord or boredom with a partner
  • Fear of pregnancy, dependency on another person,. or losing control
  • Feelings of detachment from sexual activities or one’s partner
  • Guilt
  • Inhibitions or ignorance about sexual behavior
  • Performance anxiety about intercourse
  • Previous traumatic sexual experiences
All of these factors must be considered when treating impotence. It is a delicate subject for most men because of the stigma around men being seen as virile. You must ask open questions and get the person to talk about the emotional components. It take great trust for a man to open up and tell the truth about sexual matters. Be patient and confident that they will tell all. With enough gentle persuasion they usually open up and share.
Physical problems can contribute to impotence. Because erections require so much blood, vascular problems are the leading cause. Narrowing of arteries can be caused by atherosclerosis, diabetes, blood clot or surgery. The most common surgical procedure leading to erectile dysfunction is prostate surgery. Sometimes neurological damage from surgery, stroke, spinal injury, MS, or alcohol and drugs can cause problems. Hormonal imbalances are also possible especially for those men 60 years or older. Testosterone drops significantly as we age and could play a part in lack of libido, muscular atrophy and erectile dysfunction. Although erectile dysfunction is not a life threatening condition, it could be a symptom of  more serious health problem.  Encourage your client to get a full medical evaluation.
The most common approach to erectile dysfunction is drug therapy. Psychological therapy is also advised to help with the emotional aspects that may be contributing to impotence. Homeopathy offers many remedies that are useful to treat the person having erectile dysfunction. Remember NO remedy is for a condition. The remedy is for the person experiencing the condition. We always want to treat the person and not the dis-ease. It is imperative to understand all of the aspects of what is contributing to a persons impotence. A full case must be received. Look for patterns in the person’s life that reflect impotence. The remedy can cure much more than erectile dysfunction if applied accurately.
As you can see there are many remedies that are useful in impotency. The mental aspects become most important to understand. They will lead you to the best selection of remedies. Below are a few of the most common remedies useful for the person with erectile dysfunction.
  • Agnus Castus – Especially useful in older men with a history of sexual excesses and premature old age. After abuse of sexual powers. Apathy and contempt of self after masturbation or sexual abuse. Penis is small, cold, and flaccid. No desire.No power. Complete impotence.
  • Baryta Carbonica – For older men. Premature aging. Diminished sexual desire or power. Loss of memory.
  • Caladium – Penis remains relaxed even when excited. Great sexual excitement and desire.Impotence from suppressed gonorrheal discharge.
  • Conium – From suppressed sexual appetite or over-indulgence. Sexual desire without erections. Emission from least excitement or being in the presence of a woman. Useful for widowers or old bachelors. Useful in strong healthy men who have great desire but who have an emission as soon as they begin to caress a woman.
  • Ignatia – After the loss of a loved one. Grief. With sexual desire and romantic notions.
  • Lycopodium – One of the most common remedies for impotence. Erections are incomplete or absent. Erections failing after a very short time. Useful for young men who become impotent from excessive masturbation or old men who marry again.
  • Nux Vomica – After any excess. Too much masturbation, alcohol, drugs. Irritable and nervous with gastric disturbances.
  • Selenium – Coldness and relaxation of the sexual organs.
  • Loss of semen during stool, and after urination. Erections slow, incomplete, with too quick ejaculation. Mental weakness, confusion after sexual emission. Semen thin and odorless.
  • Staphysagria – After self-abuse or sexual excesses. Guilty expression on their face. Loss of memory. Sexual organs relaxed. After sexual abuse.
  • Thuja – Impotence after gonorrhea.
There are many remedies that are useful in impotence. You must receive the case and find out the sexual disposition of the person. Are they excited or is all excitement absent? Are they able to get an erection but it fails? At what point does it fail? Are erections completely absent? Do they have a history of sexually transmitted diseases? Is there a history of sexual excesses or masturbation? Has there been a change in the primary partners relationship? What are the emotional components? Are there any physical changes since the erectile dysfunction?

You must be able to answer these questions. It is not a good idea to ask too many questions but to be able to piece the persons story together. Asking a few question to confirm something is okay but let the person tell their story. With good listening skills you will be able to pick up much information by asking open-ended questions. Creating a trusting and confidential environment is essential in getting the real story from the person. Encourage them to tell all if your are to really help them. With good homeopathic treatment most cases of erectile dysfunction can be helped.
For more details you can contact Dr.A.N.Das on 91-9337404283 or Mail


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