Eye Injuries
Homeopathy can offer much help in an emergency situation when the eye has been injured. As with all injuries it is advisable to seek medical attention at all times. But in the mean time homeopathy can often come to the rescue and help.
Simple first aid can many times help. When there is something in the eye it can be helpful to flush the eye with water. If there has been a chemical exposure, loss of vision or a solid object in the eye seek medical assistance immediately. There are remedies that can help but the eye is a delicate organ and needs proper physical attention when injured.
There are 56 remedies listed in the Complete 2005 Repertory under Eye; Injury. I will not list them all but will go over a few of the most important remedies to consider in the many different ways the eye could be injured.
- Aconite – Aconite is often called the Arnica for the eye. It will help heal minor abrasions due to foreign objects in the eye.t can help with inflammation and the blood-shot redness associated with injury. Often this is the first remedy to think of especially if the injury is accompanied with great fear or shock. Sensitive to light.
- Arnica- Along with Aconite Arnica is high on the list of first remedies in any emergency especially the eye. Arnica is most indicated when there has been a blow to the eye socket by a blunt object. It can often help prevent the Black-eye from developing after injury.
- Euphrasia – “EyeBright”. This remedy is very useful in allergic reactions or other conditions that leave the eye with an injected look. Open and bloodshot this remedy can often bring great relief after injury.
- Hypericum – When there is great pain associated to the eye injury or after being violated by a more pointed object Hypericum can offer relief. Hypericum or Calendula tincture in water can soothe the eye after scratch or other injuries.
- Ledum – After injury by a blunt object to the eye socket Ledum can often be the best remedy especially if there is any relief from the application of cold to the injury. It is the first remedy to think of after the black eye has appeared. Also useful in drooping of the eye lids after injury.
- Physostigma – after injury when the eyelids cannot be opened. There can also be twitching of the eye muscles. Glaucoma after eye injury.
- Ruta Graveolens – Injury due to eye strain. From over-using the eye, reading fine print.
- Silica – Silica is the homeopathic scalpel. It will help remove foreign objects embedded in any tissue.
- Symphytum – This remedy is very important in any injury to the eye ball itself. If the eye looks like it has somehow lost fluid or the surface is no longer smooth but corrugated, symphytum is the indicated remedy.
Use this as an opportunity to look into other remedies that are useful in eye injuries. There are many and if you study all of the remedies listed in your Repertory under Eye; injury, you will add much to your knowledge of Materia Medica. You never know when that information could make a big difference in helping someone heal from an eye injury. But remember the eye is a delicate organ and should always get evaluated by a medical professional when injured.

For more details you can contact Dr.A.N.Das on 91-9337404283 or Mail at-drandas28@gmail.com.
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