Frustration & Homeopathy

One of the challenges of homeopathy is understanding your client and translating common language into the language of our repertory. The most common words people use to describe their situations are frustration and stress. It is our job to figure out what that means for them and find the remedy.
Websters New World Dictionary defines frustration as a state of being frustrated. Frustrate is to disappoint or deceive, trick. To cause to have no effect, bring to nothing, counteract, nullify, To prevent from achieving an objective. Foil, battle or defeat. To prevent the gratification of certain impulses or desires.
Obviously being frustrated is about having an expectation and not achieving it. Or being in a situation that we seemingly have no power over and feel stuck. I think most people in the western world have some level of this in regards to their work or family. It is endemic that we all suffer from some level of disappointment. This is why this subject comes up so very often with my clients. When you ask them to tell me everything I need to know to be able to help them, they will tell their story. Rarely is it so very clear and clean that it does not include elements of frustration.
Many times I have husbands that have no desire to do homeopathy. Their wives have seen the benefit of homeopathy and have real health concerns for the spouses. So they make an appointment and send their loved one to see me. Usually they have no idea about what to expect during the appointment. I usually start out by asking them what bugs them to get an idea about who they are and how they see their world. Ultimately the word frustrated is always used. Now the real investigation begins.
Life brings us challenges daily. It is our ability to respond that is challenged allowing us to grow, or not. Where we get stuck is what we usually talk about. Asking open ended questions using the words they have used will further elicit the feeling behind the frustration. Sometimes it is sadness, other times it is anger. Some people suppress their feelings or anger and it becomes indignation. Always look for the descriptor words or phrases to ask about. They will lead to the real feeling behind the words.
When  sessions are done I have clients that say that this was similar or better than a psychological consultation. They didn’t realize that they were going to visit a shrink. I remind them that this is not like psychology in the same sense but it is necessary to understand all aspects of their being, especially their mental state, to be able to find the best remedy. Our ability to ask the right questions and listen intently gives them the opportunity to talk about things that they normally do not have the venue for. This is why frustration is so very common. We all have some level of unfulfilled expectations that pull at our happiness. It can sometimes be the key element in understanding the person and coming to the very best remedy.
Here are a few rubrics from The Complete 2013 Repertory that may be helpful in translating common disappointments and frustration into rubrics;
  • mind; DISAPPOINTMENT, deception agg., ailments from (120) : 3Acon., agath-a., alf., 3Alum., am-c., ana-i., androc., 3Ant-c., apis, ars., 4AUR., 4AUR-M-N., 3Aur-s., bar-c., bar-p., bar-s., 4BELL., bros-g., 3Bry., 3Bufo, 3Cact., calc-i., 3Calc-p., caps., carb-v., 3Carc., 3Caust., cer., cer-i., cer-o., cham., 3Cimic., cinis-p., clem., 3Cocc., 3Coff., colch., 3Coloc., com., 3Con., conv., culx-p., cyg-c., cypra-e., dig., 2eryth., euro-p., 3Excr-can., garden., 3Gels., glon., grat., 3Haliae-lc., 3Hell., 2hoch., holm-c., 4HYOS., 4IGN., iod., kali-c., 3Kali-p., 3Lach., lar-ar., lat-h., latex, lsd, 4LYC., mand., 3Merc., 4NAT-M., nat-s., neod-c., neod-p., nic-r., niob., nit-ac., nux-m., 3Nux-v., 2oci-s., onc-t., onos., op., opun-a., opun-v., orig., ozone, 4PH-AC., phlor., 3Phos., pitu-a., 3Plac., 3Plat., plut-n., 3Psor., pter-a., 4PULS., rhus-g., ros-b., ros-d., 3Sac-alb., salx-f., scorp., sep., seq-s., sol, spect., spig., 4STAPH., stoi-k., stram., succ., 3Sulph., taosc., tarent., tax-br., til., 3Tub., ulm-c., uran., 3Verat.
  • mind; IRRITABILITY; disappointment, after (2) : carc., nit-ac.
  • mind; BROODING; disappointment, after (3) : aur., 4BELL., 3Ph-ac.
  • mind; DWELLS; events, on past disagreeable (108) : aego-p., agki-p., aids, am-c., 3Ambr., 2amet., arg-n., ars., asar., 3Aur-m-n., aur-s., bani-c., 3Benz-ac., borag., bros-g., bung-f., calc., 3Carc., caust., 3Cham., 3Chin., cinis-p., cob-n., 3Cocc., 3Con., conv., cop., cur., cycl., cyg-c., cytom., elaps, eryth., falco-p., fic-mac., 2fic-sp., form., glon., goss., graph., haliae-lc., harp., 3Hep., hippo-k., hist., hura, hydrog., hyos., 3Ign., 3Kali-c., 3Kali-p., kiss., kola., 2kreos., lac-eq., lac-lup., 2lap-be-e., latex, lil-t., lsd, luna, lyc., mag-m., mand., mang., mangi., med., meny., mez., mim-p., musca-d., 4NAT-M., nat-s., neon, nit-ac., nitro., ol-j., 3Op., opun-a., 3Ph-ac., phos., 2plac., 3Plat., por-m., posit., psor., ran-b., 2rhus-g., 4RHUS-T., ros-b., ros-d., salx-f., sars., 3Sep., sol, spira., 2spong., 3Staph., stoi-k., 3Sulph., syph., tax., thuj., ulm-c., uv-lux., verat., visc., zinc.
  • mind; INDIGNATION (166) : 3Absin., acet-ac., acon., adam., aeth., agar., ambr., aml-n., androc., ang., ant-c., ant-t., 3Arg-n., arge., arge-p., arn., 3Ars., art-v., aster., atro., 3Aur., aur-m-n., 2bacch-a., bapt., bar-s., 3Bell., benz-n., bros-g., 3Bry., 3Bufo, 3Calc., calc-ar., 3Calc-p., calc-s., calop-s., camph., canth., 3Caps., carb-ac., 3Carb-v., carbn-s., cass., caust., 3Cham., chin., chin-s., chlorpr., 3Cic., cina, clad-r., 3Cocc., coco-n., coff., colch., 4COLOC., con., cori-r., croc., crot-h., culx-p., 3Cupr., cupr-acet., cupr-ar., cur., cyg-b., dig., diox., euph., falco-p., ferr., ferr-m., ferr-p., ferr-p-h., fic-mac., 2fic-sp., gels., germ., gins., 3Glon., graph., hecla., helon., hep., herin., holm., holm-o., hura, hydr-ac., 3Hyos., hypoth., 3Ign., ip., irid., juni-v., kali-c., lac-eq., lac-leo., 3Lach., laur., led., lon-x., lyc., 3M-art., mand., med., merc., merc-cy., 3Mosch., mur-ac., nat-c., 3Nat-m., nat-s., 3Nit-ac., nitro-o., nux-m., 3Nux-v., oci-s., 3Oena., 3Op., oxyt., ozone, perla, petr., phos., pip-m., 2plac., 3Plat., 3Plb., pop., posit., pseuts-m., psor., 3Puls., 4STAPH., 3Stram., sul-ac., 3Sulph., sumb., 3Tab.
  • mind; ANGER; ailments from, agg.; suppressed (35) : agar., 3Aur., 3Aur-m-n., aur-s., bamb-a., 3Cand-a., carc., 3Cham., coch., cupr., excr-can., falco-p., 2fic-sp., 3Germ., gink., hep., 3Ign., ilx-a., 4IP., kali-br., lach., lachn., 4LYC., lyss., mag-p., 2mand., morg., 3Nat-m., querc-r., rhodi-s., sep., 4STAPH., 3Teucr., ulm-c., ytte-o.
  • mind; ANGER; ailments from, agg.; long lasting complaints (9) : agar., alum., cham., lyc., nat-m., petr., puls., sep., zinc.
  • mind; ANGER; ailments from, agg.; irritability, in (4) : 4BRY., 4CHAM., 3Coff., nux-v.
  • mind; SADNESS; disappointment, after (29) : alf., ana-i., ant-c., 3Aur., 4AUR-M-N., aur-s., bell., bros-g., cact., cer-o., cyg-c., dig., 2eryth., haliae-lc., holm-c., 3Hyos., 4IGN., lar-ar., lsd, 3Nat-m., neod-p., nic-r., niob., onc-t., 3Psor., stoi-k., succ., taosc., uran.
This is by no means a complete list of rubrics that may be applicable when frustration becomes a theme in a case. But they may point you in a direction that is helpful. Remember there are many ways to analyze a case and factoring in mental symptoms is always important. But you must be aware of what is a natural and expected response and what is becoming a real hindrance to the persons life.
Be careful that in acute illness we are not trying to over analyze the case. Find mental rubrics that are unique to the case. Frustration is common. But a unique expression of frustration may not be common at all. This is where must use good discretion in choosing rubrics. When we have chosen good rubrics they will lead us to great remedies to consider. This is what make homeopathy so very powerful. It is such individualized medicine.
Interestingly when I look at the graph created by using the above rubrics these remedies come up in order of the most to less rubrics; Nat Mur, Cham, Ign, Aur-Mur-Nat, Aur, Lyc, Sep, Staph, Bell, Hyos, Carc, Psor, Aur-S, Nit-Ac. All of these remedies are poly-crest remedies and come up often in chronic cases. Understanding remedies by their essence makes it much easier to be able to differentiate between them and come to the best remedy for the case. As always, it is most important to understand what is asking to be healed. Without this vital understanding it becomes a rare event that the best remedy for the person is found.Image result for frustration

For more details you can contact Dr.A.N.Das on 91-9337404283 or Mail


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