Homeopathic Emergency Kits

Here are a list of remedies that you should always have in your kit. Remember this is NOT a complete list of remedies and there are Homeopathic Pharmacies that have their own kits that they recommend. I support all of them. You may have remedies that have worked well for you that you would always want to have in your own kit.  Be creative.
  • Aconite 200C- For any emergency where there is a shock or sudden event. This could be from a car accident to getting bad news to falling down. Always remember Aconite
  • Arnica 200c – The first remedy to think of in trauma of any sort but especially contussions and injuries from sprains and strains.
  • Arsenicum Album 30C – For acute food poisoning and most influenza.
  • Apis Mellifica 200C – For acute allergic reactions or anaphylactic shock. Insect bites and swellings that are hot and red.
  • Belladonna 200C – Great for head injuries, sunstroke, fever.
  • Bellis Perennis 30C- Injury to soft tissues, breast, stomach, testes.
  • Bryonia 30C- Influenza. Appendicitis. Does not want to move. Thirsty
  • Cactus Gradifloris 200C – Heart attack with the heart having a squeezed sensation.
  • Calendula 30C – Cuts, abrasions, septic conditions, burns.
  • Carbo Vegetablis 200C – Resuscitation after asphyxiation. Altitude sickness. Flatulence, food poisoning.
  • Chamomilla 200C – Ear infection, throat inflammation teething children. Acute over-reaction to pain.
  • Cocculus 30C- Travel sickness, motion sickness.
  • Eupatorium Perfoliatum 30C – Bone pain. Broken bones. Flu that feels like the bones hurt.
  • Euphrasia 30C – Eye injury. Eye irritation or allergies. Sneezing.
  • Gelsemium 30C- Anxiety from anticipation. Dysentery. Labor pain.
  • Hammemellis Virginica 30C- Bleeding and hemorrhage.
  • Hypericum 200C – Any injury to nerves or nerve rich places, ends of fingers, toes, nose, ears, penis. Spinal injury, whiplash.
  • Ignatia 200C – Acute grief from loss or bad news. Hysterical reactions.
  • Lachesis 200C – Poisoning, choking, apparent death. Snake bites, sore throats especially left-sided. Bleeding.
  • Ledum 30C – Puncture wounds, gunshot wounds. tetanus. Black eyes and after injury to the eye.
  • Natrum Carbonicum 30C – Sunstroke and all digestive disorders.
  • Natrum Sulphuricum 200C – Head injuries and asthma.
  • Nux Vomica 30C- Hangover. Acute gastric distress. Nausea and vomiting. Food poisoning.
  • Physostigma 30C – Eye injuries with pressure changes to the eye.
  • Pulsatilla 30C – Ear and throat infections. Lots of mucous. Teething in children.
  • Rhus Toxicodendron 30C – Influenza with body aches and restlessness. Sprains and strains.  Injuries to bone, tendons, ligaments. Better for motion.
  • Ruta Graveolens 30C – Injury to bone and ligaments. Sprains and strains. Injuries to the eye.
  • Silica 30C – Removes foreign bodies, splinters, broken bone chips etc.
  • Staphysagria 30C – Urinary tract infections. Cuts and incisions from surgeries. After humiliation or abuse. Rape.
  • Symphytum 30C – Broken bones. Fractures. Contusion to the eye.
  • Urtica Urens 30C – Burns, scalds. sunburn. Characteristic pins and needles feeling or stinging. Food poisoning. Ill effects of eating shellfish. Bites of insects and stings.
This is a partial list only. Look up each of these remedies and create your own small Materia Medica for each. Type this in a word document and shrink to fit one page. Then fold this to fit your box of remedies and use this as a quick guide to help you. The potencies were selected for the intensity of conditions that may warrant the use of the remedy. The 30C being acute and the 200C being a slightly stronger expression. I have  found these potencies to be the most useful in any acute or emergency situation.
Study these remedies often and commit them to heart. Then in any emergency you will have the knowledge and the remedy to use in an instant. And remember to always ask for help.

For any assistance plz free to call Dr.A.N.Das on 91-9337404283 or Mail at-drandas28@gmail.com.


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