Mind Rubrics

Mental symptoms are very important in understanding what is happening for each client. How they see their world and how they are able to respond to it is key to properly assessing what is asking to be healed.
Converting a symptom into the language of the repertory requires that we know what each of the rubrics mean. It is a very narrow difference in definitions that can distinguish one rubric from another. This could effect your remedy choices and the remedy you may end up selecting.
A common question I get is how do you find the words of the person in the repertory. Often you will not be able to directly translate into the mind section. But if you understand what the person is really saying there is often a rubric that will best describe it.
I will go over a few key and common rubrics and what they mean. This list is by no means complete. But it may help you to study a bit about mental rubrics and get more familiar with how to define them and use them.
  • Abashed- to strike with shame
  • Abrupt- Unexpectedly sudden, short or rude
  • Acuteness- Sharpness or keenness of mind
  • Adaptability, loss of- Very difficult to adjust to their surroundings
  • Affectation- artificial behavior designed to impress others
  • Affectionate- affection beyond a normal limit
  • Air Castle- making theories that may not be practicable
  • Aloof- Reserved, keeping distance in social relations
  • Amusement- a desire to play or for entertainment
  • Anguish- anxiety with physical sufferings
  • Antagonism- actively expressing opposition or contradiction
  • Apathy- a want of feeling or emotion
  • Ardent- an extremely eager, enthusiastic, devoted, faithful person
  • Arrogance- a feeling of superiority in an overbearing manner as differentiated with Haughty- which is an excessive claim over something in comparison to others.
  • Audacity- Negative boldness. Daring boldness with assurance. This can be compared to Boldness- fearlessness before danger, assured and confident. or Daring- reckless boldness. or Presumptuous- Bold and overconfident or Impertinence- Rude without respect or Insolent- Lack of respect or Temerity- Rash and overconfident.
  • Avarice- an insatiable desire for wealth or gain even though he has enough. Compare this to Covetous- a desire to possess something that belongs to another or Miserly- a desire to save money even from situations where it is not necessary.
  • Bewildered- a state of confusion or lack of power to distinguish with certainty. Compare to Confusion- Where the person is generally okay but when he sits for work he gets confused
  • Bilious disposition- peevish, ill natured
  • Brain fag- prostration of mind
  • Brutality- Being grossly ruthless, cruel or cold-blooded. Compare to Cruelty- a slightly lower state of brutality, usually without remorse. or malicious- making plans to be rude or to ham others. or Wicked disposition- Evil in principle or practice. Contrary to a moral code.
  • Capriciousness- Sudden change of opinion or purpose without any reason. Compare to Inconstancy- changeableness, one who cannot stick to a a place or purpose. or Irresolution- a state where the person can not make up their mind or Persists, in nothing- jumping from one thing to another without a purpose. wavering and unsteady.
  • Confounding- confusing subjects and ideas.
  • Coquettish- a short lived amorous attachment to a man.
  • Credulous- Tendency to believe readily, unsuspecting.
  • Critical- to criticize or find fault and imperfections.
  • Deceitful- to cheat others deliberately.
  • Dejection- a depressed state after failures.
  • Dictatorial- wants to give others direction, authoritative and a desire to dominate
  • Disconcerted- a frustrated upset or confused mind due to grievance or disappointment.
  • Disobedient- refusal or failure to obey rules.
  • Dogmatic- Authoritative, asserts his opinion forcefully.
  • Duplicity- double dealings, deliberate deception.
  • Egotism- extremes self importance. Compare to Selfishness- where everything is for me and not for others.
  • Ennui- loss of interest in daily activities or routines. boredom in life
  • Fastidious- wanting everything in order, neat and clean, difficult to please.
  • Feigning- to pretend to be ill.
  • Flattered- to be pleased from praise.
  • Foreboding- prior forethought something bad is going to happen.
  • Forsaken- feeling abandoned.
  • Fritters- to waste time
  • Fury- Violent unrestrained anger.
  • Gestures- to move the limbs or body as an expression of thought.
  • Gloomy- a person always looking on the dark side of everything. pessimistic.
  • Gluttony- compulsive desire to eat. Compare to Gourmand.
  • Hard hearted- difficult for the person to express sympathy.
  • Hastiness- Being in a constant hurry with mental restlessness.
  • Head strong-Obstinate , fixed ideas without care for the views of others.
  • Heedless- paying little attention to their act without understanding the consequences.
  • Honor wounded- result of an insult to a persons reputation.
  • Horror- a strong and emotional fear and dread.
  • Hypocrisy- Pretending principles, posing many principles but not following them.
  • Hysteria- a neurosis marked by emotional excitability, amnesia, somnabulance.
  • Idiocy- worse than imbecility, IQ much lower
  • Imbecility- Feeble minded person with a defect in mental ability.
  • Improvident- No care for the future, want of foresight.
  • Imprudence- wanting foresight or discretion.
  • Impudent- no modesty or shame.
  • Inconstancy- can not stick to one place or in one occupation.
  • Indolence- lay, does not want to work.
  • Industrious- a disposition to be constantly or habitually occupied
  • Injustice, can not support- sensitive to the violation of the rights of another.
  • Inquisitive- Curiosity but of a negative aspect, not so innocent.
  • Insensibility- unresponsive or un-creative to his surroundings.
  • Insolence- Disgracing others, rude immoderate in language and attitude.
  • Intellectual- rational rather than emotional.
  • Interruption- getting disturbed when doing his activity.
  • Intolerance- unable to endure a difference in opinion.
  • Irascibility- easily angered or ill tempered.
  • Irrational- incapable of reasoning affected by a loss of mental activity
  • Irresolution- Unable to decide.
  • Jesting- making merry or joking in words or actions.
  • Lascivious- attracted to sexual thoughts or acts.
  • Lewdness- exposing the body in a voluntary act.
  • Libertinism- immoral people behaving in a perverted manner, against society.
  • Liar- never speaks the truth.
  • Loathing- a feeling of aversion to everything, disgust.
  • Looked at- he can not tolerate being looked at by others, feeling threatened.
  • Magnetized- wants to be influenced by stronger person or energy than their own.
  • Malicious- making plans to harm another.
  • Mannish- resembling a man, girls dress and behave like a man.
  • Meddlesome- interfering in others matters that may not concern him.
  • Misanthropy- hatred of all mankind
  • Mocking- a type of treatment intentionally done to humiliate or offend.
  • Monomania- exaggerated obsession or enthusiasm about a single idea.
  • Morphinism- drug addiction.
  • Mortification- a feeling of shame or humiliation caused by an offense.
  • Nymphomania- increased sexual desire in females.
  • Obsession- persistent thought on a disagreeable occurrence by compulsivity.
  • Occupation amel.- An activity or profession or work that provides amelioration to the suffering.
  • Offended easily- sensitive person who feels insulted feasibly.
  • Panic- sudden attack of fear.
  • Pathetic- arousing sympathy or pity from others.
  • Pertinacity- persists or holding firmly even if others disagree.
  • Perverse- want of a moral feeling
  • Precocity- attainment of early maturity..
  • Procrastination- postponing everything to the next day.
  • Prophesying- Foretelling future events.
  • Rebellious- revolts, resents or resists authority.
  • Remorse- painful memory of a wrong doing arising from a misdeed.
  • Satyriasis- excessive and uncontrollable sexual desires in men.
  • Sentimental- the heart rules over the brain. Attitudes based on a feeling or emotion.
  • Shameless- a voluntary act of exposing the body with a lack of modesty.
  • Singing- a desire to sing even during illness.
  • Slander- formulating false stories in order to impair public opinion.
  • Slovenly- uncaring about their looks even if they are financially capable.
  • Sopor- deep stupid sleep.
  • Spoonerism- transposition of initial sounds of spoken words.
  • Succeed never- never succeeding in a hard working person. Repeated failures.
  • Sullen- gloomy and oppressed after being offended.
  • Suspicious- mistrustful without evidence of or proof.
  • Taciturn- gloomy person who wants to be left alone.
  • Tearing- a destructive tendency wanting to tear things up.
  • Theorizing- creates an idea that is not based on fact.
  • Tics- gestures or convulsive movements of certain muscles.
  • Tribadism- homosexuality
  • Unconsciousness- unaware of their surroundings.
  • Unfeeling- hard hearted without sympathy.
  • Ungrateful- never appreciate what others have done for them and do not care.
  • Veneration- showing deep respect excessively.
  • Vexation-anger or harassment about little matters.
  • Vindictive- to seek revenge when hurt or humiliated.
  • Weary of life- due to frequent setbacks in life. To survive life feels like a burden.
  • Wicked disposition- evil in principle and action.
  • Zealous- enthusiastic person in pursuit of perfection.
Obviously this is only a partial list of all mental rubrics. If you see a word in your repertory and do not know its meaning, look it up in a dictionary. Having knowledge of the mind section of the repertory and what is there will make it much easier for you to translate a mental symptom into the language of the repertory. Always select a rubric that is as close as possible to the exact meaning of the persons symptom. It is not good enough to be just close. The repertory was created with very specific meanings of the rubrics. Use the word index or cross references in your computer programs. This will give you other ideas of a similar nature to the rubric being looked at. Often it will give rubrics that are much more exact to choose from.
The better you are able to translate your clients mental symptoms into the language of the repertory the better you will be able to help them. Study your mind section. It will be the best use of study time that you can do.

For more and more discussion you can contact Dr.A.N.Das on 91-9337404283 or Mail at-drandas28@gmail.com.


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