The Real Homeopath

Sometimes it is easy to get lost in our “role” as health care providers and miss the bigger task at hand. There is a model I talk with all of my Homeopath friends that I want to share with all of you that helps define who we are as homeopaths.
     Every science is based on a primary assumption. The primary assumption in homeopathy is there is a vital force that is non-material; spiritual. If we recognize this as the foundation for our healing art then a spiritual model becomes necessary for a greater understanding of our part as the homeopath. 
     Another assumption is that there is a creative energy animating and bringing all things into existence. This creator we have historically given the name God. So if God is creating all things then I (homeopath) and my client (suffering client) are an extension of God’s creation. In essence there is really no separation other than our ego identification of self (Hi, I’m Anant. I’m a homeopath. You must be the patient). I personally do not like the word patient for our clients. No one wants to be patient when they are suffering.
     Holding this model in mind anytime I wear my homeopaths cap is very useful. It puts me into direct alignment with all creation and reduces any separation from my client. I see this as triangle with God at the top and Client and Homeopath at the bottom corners. The triangle is the strongest geometrical form in the universe. It is the holy trinity.
                                                                     /              \
                                             Suffering Client    <———>    Homeopath
     As a homeopath my intention is to be a channel for God’s work. Hahnemann says to be an unprejudiced observer. In order to be an unprejudiced observer I try to be an empty vessel, completely open without an agenda. It is my time to allow God’s inspiration to run through me and trusting that everything shall be revealed through the Client so I can “see” what is asking to be healed. Otherwise if I have an agenda, a prejudice, or even a desire for something other than being a servant of God’s work, then my separate, ego self will show up and I will not be the open channel to allow God’s work to be done. 
    I know this may all sound a bit “spiritual” but in essence homeopathy is spiritual medicine. How else could a physical substance be potentized beyond Avagrado’s number of dilution, and not a single molecule be present, yet still effect the healing of a suffering person?  
    This brings us back to the question, “who is the Homeopath?”. He is a person who is on a spiritual path and who’s intention is aligned with the Divine source of all creation.  Keeping a model of the trinity will help you stay clear and allow the process of case receiving to happen.  When you stay in empty alignment with the present, without prejudice, then everything will flow through you and you may be surprised at the results. When you give the remedy and include a prayer that it be for the persons highest good, miracles happen. Energy does follow intent. You will soon realize that you (the homeopath) are not the healer.
For more discussion you can write to Dr.A.N.Das on 91-9337404283 or Mail


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