Urticaria is more commonly referred to as hives. This condition is usually a pure allergic response. It can be caused by an acute reaction to fever or the sun and rarely has emotional causes. The skin is characterized by pale slightly raised swellings or wheal. These usually have a red area around them and are very defined. The condition usually appears quickly and can affect any part of the body. In severe reactions anaphylaxis is possible and presents a very serious condition. Swelling of the throat can close the airway and suffocation could occur.
Here are a few remedies for Urticaria;
- Apis Mellifica – This is the leading remedy for hives of an allergic response. Swelling with burning, itching and stinging. Worse from heat and covering. A feeling of suffocation. Try Medusa if Apis does not work.
- Causticum – Chronic hives. Worse in fresh open air. Aggravation by the heat of the bed.
- Dulcamara – Red spots as if bitten by bugs all over the body. Itching. After scratching much burning. Worse from warmth and better from cold. Worse from exposure to dampness.
- Natrum Muriaticum – Wheals itch smart and burn. Worse from exposure to cold, damp, salt or salt air.Whitish hives that become red and itching after rubbing.
- Rhus Toxicodendron – Worse from getting wet. Worse in cold air. Burning after itching. Worse on hairy parts.
- Urtica Urens – Wheals elevated with a white central spot and red areola. Stinging and burning pains better by rubbing. Pale rash requiring constant rubbing.
Treating either of these conditions it is necessary to look for exciting causes. If the condition is acute, meaning of a short duration and self resolving, then try a 30C potency and give as infrequently as possible. Let the persons reaction tell you when to administer the next dose. It may be necessary to repeat more often up to 3-4 times per day for a short while if the condition does not yield to a single dose. If the condition is very strong and the 30C potency does not last then a higher potency may be necessary. Go to the 200C and if it does not hold then the 1M potency. If there is a positive response then potency may be the issue if the condition does not yield. Otherwise it may be necessary to find a different remedy.
Treating skin conditions is tricky because many of the remedies have similar symptoms. Pay close attention to any other changes that the person may be experiencing. Remember the remedy is for the person and not the symptom. Homeopathy can help cure where drug treatments can suppress at best.

For more details you can contact-91-9337404283 or Mail at-drandas28@gmailcom.
For more details you can contact-91-9337404283 or Mail at-drandas28@gmailcom.
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