
 Anaemia is generally defined as lower in the amount of red blood cells (RBC’s) or haemoglobin in the blood. 
Common types of Anaemia
1  Iron deficiency anemia:it is usually caused due to the shortage of the element iron of the body.
2. Vitamin deficiency anemia:
Our body requires folate and vitamin B-12 in order to make required numbers of healthy red blood cell.
3. Anemia of chronic disease: various chronic diseases i.e. cancer, HIV/AIDS etc which lead to interfere in the productions of red blood cells.
4  Sickle cell anemia:
it is generally caused due to the defective form of haemoglobin that leads to force red blood cell to create an abnormal crescent shape
Homeopathic Medicines
*Ferrum Met 30*
1.  Weak with paleness, and have frequent false flushings appearing at the slightest excitement
2. Vertigo, pulsating headaches and ringing in ears.
3. Difficulty in breathing, shortness of breath with palpitations in heart with coldness of body. 4. Females who are anemic due to excessive bleeding during periods. 
*China 30*
1. Anemia due to extreme blood loss.
2  The bleeding can be the result of a traumatic injury, excessive bleeding in periods or bleeding from any part of body like throat, bowels, nose, etc.
3. The person is exhausted and even fainting spells occur.
4. Vertigo with marked weakness.
5. The body feels cold and pallor is marked.
6. The face especially appears pale with sunken features.
7. China acts both as a haemorrhage controller as well as enhances the amount of blood after the bleeding episodes.
*Ferrum Phos 6x*
1. It is the most frequently used medicine to increase the haemoglobin level.
2. It can be safely used among people of all age groups. Even during Anemia in pregnancy.
3. The skin appears pale in with palpitation of heart and weakness.
4. The pulse rate is quickened.
5. Vertigo and headache.
*Aletris Farinosa Q, 3x, 6*
1. It is the best medicine for women suffering from Anemia with extreme weakness and fatigue.
2. There is a marked weariness and tiredness all day.
3. The energy level seems to be markedly reduced and the body feels powerless.
4. Anemia in women due to repeated abortion. 
5. Anemia and weakness due to leucorrhea.
*Natrum Mur 200*
1. Weight loss as a result of Anemia.
2. The pt is very lean and emaciated with loss of flesh.
3. The headache due to Anemia. The headache is mainly bursting in nature with Nausea and vomting.
4. Anemic with palpitation.
5. Anemia due to longstanding grief.
6. There is also a marked desire for extra salt.
7. History of chronic malaria
*Picric Acid 30*
1. Extreme weakness and prostration.
2. Very marked weakness is present with a tired feeling all day.
3. Tingling in limbs with needle-like sensation is often present.
4. There is also an aversion to do any kind of work.
5. Medicine for pernicious anaemia.
*Phosphorus. 200*
1. Medicine for pernicious anaemia.
2. There is a numbness of hands and arms.
3. Longstanding diarrhoea with weakness.
4  An increased desire for cold drinks and ice creams.
*Helonias 3x*
1. It is very beneficial homeopathic remedy for anaemia and cholorsis.
2. It is generally effective for women having anemia which occurred from the long period of hemorrhage.
by indolence or luxury, or like worn out with hard work.
*Arsenic Album 30*
1.  When there is a marked weakness that gets worse at night.
2.  The person seems exhausted with much weakness,even a slight exertion seems to worsen the weakness.
3. There is great anxiety and restlessness
4. This remedy is for those pernicious anemia, debility from overtaxing, muscular tissues by prolong exertion and extreme restlessness.
*Pulsatilla 30*
1.  It is Effective for those women having chloro-anaemic women which always complain of feeling chilly..
2.The Pulsatilla patient feels better in the open air.
3. Dizziness on rising, absence of thirst.
*Alstonia Scholaris 30*
1. Iis considered a complete tonic for patients who have Anemia and other complaints following malarial fever.
2. The complaints apart from Anemia are weak digestion.
3. History of diarrhoea during malarial fever.
*Alumina 200*
1. It is the best Homeopathic remedy when there is sluggishness of the gastric system and the person remains very constipated.
2. The intestines are so sluggish that the stool is retained for many days together. The urge to pass stool is absent.
3. There is a desire for chalk, coffee grounds and other indigestible things.
*Calcarea Phos 6X*
1. Anemia and a weak digestive power.
2. The abdomen is full of gas.
4. Desire for salt or meat (especially smoked meat).
5  The child is irritable and also has weak bones.
For more details you can contact Dr.A.N.Das at 91-9337404283 or Mail


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