Gout is a form of inflammatory arthritis characterized by recurrent attacks of a red, tender, hot, and swollen joint. Pain typically comes on rapidly in less than twelve hours. The joint at the base of the big toe is affected in about half of cases. It may also result in tophi, kidney stones, or urate nephropathy.
Gout is due to persistently elevated levels of uric acid in the blood.This occurs due to a combination of diet and geneticfactors.At high levels, uric acid crystallizes and the crystals deposit in joints, tendons, and surrounding tissues, resulting in an attack of gout.Gout occurs more commonly in those who regularly eat meat or seafood, drink beer, or are overweight.Diagnosis of gout may be confirmed by the presence of crystals in the joint fluid or in a deposit outside the joint.Blood uric acid levels may be normal during an attack.
*Benzoic acid: 3x, 30*
1. The effected parts are knee or big toe.
2. Tearing and stitching pain in the affected joint.
3. The gout with stiffness, swelling and lameness.
4. The gout id associated with highly colored and offensive urine.
5. Symptoms are worse in open air and from uncovering the affected parts.
*Berberis vulgaris: Q, 3x*
1. Sudden twinges of pain — stitching pains in gouty joints, which are worse from motion.
2. The pains often radiate out from the affected part or move to a different area all together.
3. The person has a tendency towards kidney stones and may ache all over.
*Urtica urens: Q, 3x*
1. This remedy helps in the elimination of uric acid from the body.
2. The patient has a tendency to gout and uric acid formations.
3. The joint symptoms are associated urticaria.
4. There is pain in the shoulders (deltoid region), wrists and ankles.
5. Modalities - worse from exposure to cool moist air, snow-air, water and touch.
*Colchicum: Q, 3x, 30*
1. Gout in the big toe or heel so painful that the person cannot bear to have it touched or moved.
2. Joints are red, hot and swollen.
3. The pain is often worse in the evening and at night.
4. Pains are worse in cold, damp or changes weatheror in the spring.
5. The person often has a feeling of internal coldness
*Ledum: 30*
1. It is indicated when the gouty pains shoot through the foot, limb and joints – especially the small joints.
2. The foot and ankle are extremely swollen.
3. Cold or ice cold applications relieve the pain and swelling.
*Lycopodium: 200*
1. This is for chronic gout, with chalky deposits in the joints.
2. There is a pain in the heels on treading, as from a pebble.
3. One foot feels hot and the other cold.
4. The urine is slow to produce and has heavy, red sediment.
5. There may be a backache, which is relieved by passing urine.
6. The right side of the body is particularly affected and all the complaints seem to be worse, especially between 4pm and 8pm.
*Rhododendron: 30*
1. It is useful for gouty swelling of the big toe joint that flares up before a storm.
2. Other joints may ache and swell, especially on the right side of the body.
3. Pain usually is worse toward early morning and after staying still too long.
4. The person may feel better from warmth and after eating.
*Calcarea fluorica:6x*
1. The finger joints may become enlarged because of gout, and the knees and toes may be involved.
2. Stabbing pain is experienced, and the joints may make a cracking sound on movement.
3. Discomfort is worse during weather changes, and warmth may bring relief.
*Belladonna 30*
1. There is sudden onset.
2. Joints are swollen, red, throbbing and extremely sensitive.
3. It’s worse from touch and jarring.
4. The person may feel restless, flushed and hot.
*Arnica: 30*
1. This remedy is used when the pain is sore and bruised, such as it hurts to walk.
2. The person may be afraid to be touched or approached because of pain.
For more details contact Dr.A.N.Das on 91-9337404283 or Mail at-drandas28@gmail.com.

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