

☑Leucorrhoea is flow of a whitish, yellowish, or greenish discharge from the vagina.


☑Some of the common causes of white vaginal discharge include:

📌Infections from bacteria (UTI, etc.), fungi or other parasites. Urinary tract infections are also very common.

📌Inflammation due to injuries or trauma to the vagina, the womb or the cervix, which is very common during pregnancy or irritation from objects like an intrauterine contraceptive device

📌The use of sprays, lubricants or jellies

📌Contraceptives used by men or women which could cause irritation

📌Following a diet that is low on nutrition

📌Lack of cleanliness or poor hygienic measures

📌Sexually transmitted diseases


The following are some of the symptoms of leucorrhoea:

⚓White discharge in the undergarments
Intense irritation and /or pain in the cervical region

⚓Headaches & irritability


⚓Dark patches under the eyes



⚓Stomach ache

▶Do’s & don’t

✒Maintain better hyegeine.

✒Take more of milk, fruit juices, vitamins

✒Avoid too much of spicy and fried food.

✒Avoid too much of sweets

✒Avoid too much of tea, coffee, alcohol and other condiments

✒Avoid tinned/canned food

▶Homoeopathic management

Homoeopaths manage cases of leucorrhoea by considering the nature of discharge, itching if any, modalities, concomitants, etc.

Commonly prescribed drugs include Agnus castus (Transparent, but stains the linen yellow. Suited in women with relaxed and coldness of sexual organs.),

 ☑Aletris farinosa (Leucorrhoea due to weakness and anaemia. Also covers general debility from leucorrhoea.),

Alumina (Profuse, yellow, corroding or acrid, creamy or transparent leucorrhoea. Worse after menses. Leucorrhoea causes itching, more in the daytime with sensation as if everything would fall from the vagina.),

Ambra grisea (Thick, bluish or white leucorrhoea with stitches in the vagina before the discharge. Violent itchings with soreness and swelling of labia.),

Ammonium carbonicum (Watery, profuse, acrid, causing much burning and smarting smells like ammonia. Leucorrhoea with swelling, itching, and burning of perineum.),

Borax (White, albuminous leucorrhoea like starch or white of egg. Mostly bland leucorrhoea without pain. Appears between the menstrual periods.),

Bovista (Thick, slimy, tenacious acrid and corrosive leucorrhoea following menses. Like Borax, it also has a leucorrhoea like the white of an egg. It comes out coagulated when walking, or it is of a yellowish-green color and leaves a green stain on linen. It excoriates the labia, perineum, groins and thighs by its acridity.),

Calcarea carbonica (Thick like mucus, albuminous, milky or yellow, acrid or bland; worse after urination, after menses and least excitement. Albuminous leucorrhoea from cervix with lassitude and debility.  the least excitement brings on the leucorrhoea or menses.),

Calcarea ova tosta (Simple blind leucorrhoea), Caulophyllum thalictroides (Profuse, mucous, acrid or bland leucorrhoea.),

 Cimicifuga racemosa (Leucorrhoea watery, with weight, and torpor in uterus and lower extremities in women of rheumatic diathesis.),

Graphites (Acrid, excoriating leucorrhoea occurs in gushes day and night; before and after menses.),

Hepar sulphur (Extremely offensive leucorrhoea),

Hydrastis (Leucorrhoea after menses, with vaginal itching),

Kreosotum (Thick mucus with bad odour, smelling like green corn, excoriating the perineum or bland. Menstrual and leucorrhoeal flow intermittent. Leucorrhoea with voluptuous itching of pudenda, and swelling.),

Lachesis (Greenish, thick, or yellow just before the menses; as menses become scanty leucorrhoea increases.),

Lilium tigrinum (Very copious, thin, and brownish leucorrhoea with bearing-down sensation.),

Lycopodium clavatum (Rose-colored leucorrhoea worse before the full of the moon. Milky or bloody, acrid and corrosive leucorrhoea with dryness in vagina.),

Medorrhinum (Thin watery, excoriating leucorrhoea with fishy odour. Leucorrhoea relieved by cold douches, worse when walking.),

Mercurius solubilis (Leucorrhoea either acrid or bland; it may be whitish, greenish, bloody or sweet smelling worse in the evening and at night.),

 ☑Platina (Albuminous leucorrhoea only in the daytime, with great sensitiveness of the external genitals.),

Pulsatilla (Acrid, burning and creamy leucorrhoea),

Sepia (Leucorrhoea is varied and changeable. Milky and white or thick and yellow, staining the linen. Occasionally yellowish-green in gonorrhoea. Sometimes lumpy and of a fetid odour often accompanied by stitches in the cervix and is quite acrid, causing soreness of the pudenda.),

Silicea (Milky, watery and sometimes brownish sometimes with bloody discharges between the periods. Discharges of whitish water from the vagina between the menstrual periods, worse after eating sour things. Leucorrhoea with severe itching and smarting of the pudenda.),

Sulphur (Scanty and acrid leucorrhoea, inducing soreness, itching, smarting and burning of the vulva. Sometimes thick, yellow, smarting like salt and itching, at night, when she becomes warm in bed.),

Thuja occidentalis (Thick, greenish and profuse leucorrhoea).
For more details contact Dr.A.N.Das on 91-9337404283 or Mail at-drandas28@gmail.com.


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