
*Squint (Strabismus )*

It is a condition that arises because of an incorrect balance of the muscles that move the eye, faulty nerve signals to the eye muscles and focusing faults (usually long sight).

It may be of 3 types

1. *Converge* - When the eye turn in

2. *Diverge* - when eye turn out.

3. Sometimes turn up or down, preventing the eyes from working properly together.

*Age*. - It can be in age, A baby can be born with a squint or develop one soon after birth.

*Causes*- The causes of squint are not always known, but some children are more likely to develop it than others. Among the possible causes are:

*Congenital squint*

In about half of such cases, there is a family history of squint.

*Long sight* ( hypermetropia )

Long sightedness can sometimes lead to a squint developing as the eyes ‘over-focus’ The most common age for this type of squint to start is between 10 months and 2 years, but it can occur up to the age of 5 years.

*Childhood illnesses*

Squint may develop following an illness such as measles or chickenpox. This may mean that a tendency to squint has been present but, prior to the illness, the child was able to keep his or her eye straight.

*Nerve damage*

In some cases a difficult delivery of a baby or illness damaging a nerve can lead to a squint.

*Homeopathic Medicines* -

*Physostigma 200*

1. It is is a top ranked medicine for squint cases with short-sightedness.

2. Profuse watery discharge.

3. Weakness in the eyes.

*Jaborandi 30*

1. Squint with long-sightedness.

2. The eye turns upward and inward.

*Cyclamen 30*

1. The affected eye turns toward the nose.

2. There may be a burning sensation in the eye. 3. The vision is disturbed, and objects may appear double and cloudy vision.

*Gelsemium 200*

1.  Squint with disturbances in vision.

2. There is blurred or double vision.

3. The eye turns outward when the person is looking sideways and disappears when looking straight.

4. There is difficulty in opening the eyes.

*Natrum Mur 200*

1. Squint caused by the weakening of eye muscles.

2. There is pain in the eyes when looking downward.

3. The eyes turn outward.

4. There is difficulty of working in sunlight or bright light.

*Ruta 30*

1. Squint due to the over straining of eye muscles.

2. They symptoms may worse due to excessive reading or working in dim light.

*Alumina 30*

1. There is squint in children where both eyes are affected.

2. The symptoms are  worse during dentition.

3. The child may tend to look at one point constantly.

*Cicuta 30*

1. Where there is  a squint appears after certain intervals.

2. The squint following a fall or a blow.

3. Squint caused from convulsions

*Stramonium 200*

1. Squint due to brain disorders.

2. The patient wide opens eyes with marked staring,

3. The vision is affected, and objects may appear dark and large.

*Alumen 30*- Internal squint of the right eye.

*Belladonna 30*- Squint due to convulsions.

*Cina 30*, *Spigelia 30* - Squint with worm.
For more details contact Dr.A.N.Das on 91-9337404283 or Mail at-drandas28@gmail.com.


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