- Arises from intense anxiety.
- Psychological disorder characterized by conversion of psychological stress into physical symptoms or change in self awareness.
- Exaggerated or ungovernable emotional excess.
Types of Hysterical disorder-----
a)Conversion disorder --
  Special senses
  Symptoms such as blindness deafness etc.
  No organic basis
  Pt shows inappropriate lack of concern
  Symptoms may actually provide secondary gains by winning sympathy.
b)Dissociative disorder --
Alterations occurs in the patient's state of consciousness or in his identity to produce such symptoms as partial or total loss of memory, somnambulism, multiple personality.
a) Age - Mainly affected between 20 - 35 years of age group.
b) Sex- More common in females than males.
c) Intelligence - Common in people with low intelligence.
d) Personality - People with attension seeking behaviour, immature (histrionic personality ).
e) Marital status - Common in unmarried, divorces and widow.
f) Socio - cultural factors -
- Common in developing and less sophisticated or cultured societies.
- Fear
- Worry
- Depression
- Mental stress, trauma
- Prolonged sickness etc.
*Signs and Symptoms*---
- Laughing or crying without cause.
- Palpitations and Suffocation.
- Headache
- Increasing Abdominal constriction
- Severe cramps and heaviness in the limbs
- Clenched teeth
- Swelling of the neck
- Feeling of a foreign body lodged in the throat.
- Loss of appetite
- Weakness
- Craving for love and sympathy.
*In severe cases*---
- Painful cries
- Enormously swollen neck
- Incomplete loss of consciousness
- Violent movements
- Convulsions.
- Isolation of the patient from pathogenic environment is needed in the acute attack.
*Homoeopathic Remedies*---
1 ) *Asafoetida* --
- Hysteria arises from sudden suppression of habitual discharges.
- Globus hystericus.
- Hysterical colic with with a bursting feeling upwards as though everything in abdomen were coming out the mouth with belching of wind of strong rancid taste.
- Hysterical convulsion.
2) *Ignatia Amara*--
- Hysterical paroxysms are provoked by grief, fright, disappointed love or some other similar causes when they are connected with menstrual disturbances.
- Contradictory actions are marked, mind is introverted.
- Changeable mood, patient alternately laughs and cries.
- Clavus Hystericus.
- Globus hystericus relieved by belching, aggravated while drinking water.
3) *Moschus* --
- Full fledged hysterical attacks with fainting or unconsciousness.
- Suited when the patient faints from taking even a small amount of food into the stomach.
- Pale or blue face and foams at the mouth.
- Scolding which she keeps up until her lips turn blue her eyes stare and she falls unconscious.
- Hysterical headache.
4) *Platina* --
- Hysterical spasms with titanic rigidity with trismus caused by nervous excitement.
- Sudden arrest of breathing when walking against the wind.
- Paroxysms of laughter which are loud and boisterous and also ill - timed i.e occurring even under circumstances of sad nature.
5) *Nux moschata* --
- Hysteria with frequent emotional changes and enormous bloating of abdomen.
- Marked tendency to fainting and unconsciousness.
- Head jerked and Palpitation of heart.
- Least emotional excitement renews the symptoms.
6) *Belladona*--
- In hysteria patients is very boisterous and wild.
- Red faces, injected eyes, dilated pupils and wild look.
7) *Hyoscymus* --
- Hysteria with marked jealousy.
- Patient is talkative, nervous full of suspicion.
- Sudden twichings and jerkings of group of muscles.
- Laughs at everything in a silly manner.
8 ) *Tarentula* --
- When alone patient has no hysterical attack as soon as attention is directed to her she begins to twitch.
- Hystero - epileptic convulsions.
- Hands are kept in constant motion to work off this overexcitability.
- Great sleepiness but her nervousness prevents her from falling asleep.


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