Travel Kit

Homeopathic Emergency Travel Kit
☑Here are a list of remedies that you should always have in your kit. Remember this is NOT a complete list of remedies and there are Homeopathic Pharmacies that have their own kits that they recommend. I support all of them. You may have remedies that have worked well for you that you would always want to have in your own kit.  Be creative.
Aconite 200c- For any emergency where there is a shock or sudden event. This could be from a car accident to getting bad news to falling down. Always remember Aconite
Arnica 200c – The first remedy to think of in trauma of any sort but especially contussions and injuries from sprains and strains.
Arsenicum Album 30c – For acute food poisoning and most influenza.
Apis Mellifica 200c – For acute allergic reactions or anaphylactic shock. Insect bites and swellings that are hot and red.
Belladonna 200c– Great for head injuries, sunstroke, fever.
Bellis Perennis 30c- Injury to soft tissues, breast, stomach, testes.
Bryonia 30c- Influenza. Appendicitis. Does not want to move. Thirsty
Cactus Gradifloris 200c – Heart attack with the heart having a squeezed sensation.
Calendula 30c – Cuts, abrasions, septic conditions, burns.
Carbo Vegetablis 200c – Resuscitation after asphyxiation. Altitude sickness. Flatulence, food poisoning.
Chamomilla 200c – Ear infection, throat inflammation teething children. Acute over-reaction to pain.
Cocculus 30c- Travel sickness, motion sickness.
Eupatorium Perfoliatum 30c – Bone pain. Broken bones. Flu that feels like the bones hurt.
Euphrasia 30c – Eye injury. Eye irritation or allergies. Sneezing.
Gelsemium 30c- Anxiety from anticipation. Dysentery. Labor pain.
Hammemellis Virginica 30c- Bleeding and hemorrhage.
Hypericum 200c – Any injury to nerves or nerve rich places, ends of fingers, toes, nose, ears, penis. Spinal injury, whiplash.
Ignatia 200c – Acute grief from loss or bad news. Hysterical reactions.
Lachesis 200c – Poisoning, choking, apparent death. Snake bites, sore throats especially left-sided. Bleeding.
Ledum 30c – Puncture wounds, gunshot wounds. tetanus. Black eyes and after injury to the eye.
Natrum Carbonicum 30c – Sunstroke and all digestive disorders.
Natrum Sulphuricum 200c – Head injuries and asthma.
Nux Vomica 30c- Hangover. Acute gastric distress. Nausea and vomiting. Food poisoning.
Physostigma 30c – Eye injuries with pressure changes to the eye.
Pulsatilla 30c – Ear and throat infections. Lots of mucous. Teething in children.
Rhus Toxicodendron 30c – Influenza with  body aches and restlessness. Sprains and strains.  Injuries to bone, tendons, ligaments. Better for motion.
Ruta Graveolens 30c – Injury to bone and ligaments. Sprains and strains. Injuries to the eye.
Silica 30c – Removes foreign bodies, splinters, broken bone chips etc.
Staphysagria 30c – Urinary tract infections. Cuts and incisions from surgeries. After humiliation or abuse,rape.
Symphytum 30c – Broken bones. Fractures. Contusion to the eye.
Urtica Urens 30c – Burns, scalds. sunburn. Characteristic pins and needles feeling or stinging. Food poisoning. Ill effects of eating shellfish. Bites of insects and stings.

for more details you can contact Dr.A.N.Das on 91-9337404283 or Email


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