Pain Management

People had misconception that various pain can be easily managed by modern medicine fast,but actually it was not true. Now with the growing consciousness among the new generation and educated people realized the very deep side-effect of readymade available painkillers.Homoeopathy offers a very wide range of sure shot and fast acting permanent pain killer remedies without any harmful effect.Here I am discussing some remedies with their physical indications.
Homoeopathic Remedies.
*Aconite 30*
1. Inflammatory pain, sudden onset of severe pain.
2. Great restlessness, anxiety, fear of death means pt will say treat me give me medicine otherwise I will surely die.
3. Thirst for large quantity of water at short intervals.
*Belladonna 30*
1. It is also the medicine for inflammatory pain but part is red hot very painful.
2. Pain sudden comes and goes.
3. No thirst
4. Inflammation of the part.
*Bryonia 30*
1. Pain worse by motion and better by rest or pressure.
2. Thirst for large quantity of water at long interval.
*Rhus Tox 30*
1. Pain worse by rest and first movement.
2. Pain better by continued motion.
*Colocynth 30*
1. Pain especially colic better by hard pressure or bending forward.
2. Nerve pain better by hard pressure and tie of the part.
*Dioscorea 30*
It is just opposite to Colocynth, pain better by bending backward.
*Mag Phos 30*
1. Pain better by hot application.
2. Pain worse by cold.
3. It is an anti spasmodic remedy.
*Arnica 30*
1. Pain after exertion and trauma.
2. Pt doesn't wants to come near him.
*Hypericum 200*
Pain due to injury to the nerve where nerve supply is more, for example finger tip, tongue etc.
*Berberis Vul Q*
1. Pain of the kidney stone.renal colic,
2. The pain is on the left side and extends from kidney to urethra,
3. Urging to urinate.
*Ranunculus. B 30*
1. Best medicine for chest pain due to intercostal rheumatism,
2. Sharp stitching pains and a sore spot in the chest.
3. Worse from motion or even from breathing,
*Cactus G 30*
Pain of the angina pectoris
*Crataegus Oxy 30*
Sudden and terrible pain on the left side of the chest radiating over the heart and the left arm;
Biochemic medicine.
Mag Phos 6X, Kali Phos 6X and Ferrum Phos 6X are very good and reliable pain killers that could be used simultaneously along with indicated Homoeopathic remedies.


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