Allergic Rhinitis

Allergic rhinitis, or hay fever, is an allergic response causing inflammation of the mucous membranes lining the nasal cavity to specific allergens, Pollen is the most common allergen in seasonal allergic rhinitis. These are allergy symptoms that occur with the change of seasons.
*Symptoms of allergic rhinitis*
Common symptoms of allergic rhinitis include:
a runny nose
a stuffy nose
an itchy nose
a sore or scratchy throat
itchy eyes
watery eyes
dark circles under the eyes
frequent headaches
eczema-type symptoms, such as having extremely dry, itchy skin that can blister and weep
excessive fatigue
You’ll usually feel one or more of these symptoms immediately after coming into contact with an allergen. Some symptoms, such as recurrent headaches and fatigue, may only happen after long-term exposure to allergens. Fever isn’t a symptom of hay fever
When body comes into contact with an allergen, it releases histamine, which is a natural chemical that defends the body from the allergen. 
In addition to tree pollen, other common allergens include:
grass pollen
dust mites
animal dander, which is old skin
cat saliva
During certain times of the year, pollen can be especially problematic. Tree and flower pollens are more common in the spring. Grasses and weeds produce more pollen in the summer and fall
*Types of allergic rhinitis*
There are  two types
1. Seasonal 
2. Perennial.
1. Seasonal - it usually occur during the spring and fall season and are typically in response to outdoor allergens like pollen. 2. Perennial allergies can occur year round, or at any time during the year in response to indoor substances, like dust mites and pet dander.
Anybody can affected 
Allergies can affect anyone,
Hereditary -  history of allergies in family. Having asthma or atopic eczema can also increase risk of allergic rhinitis.
Some external factors can trigger or worsen this condition, including:
cigarette smoke
cold temperatures
air pollution
wood smoke
Diagnosis - 
A skin prick test is one of the most common. The doctor places several substances onto skin to see how the body reacts to each one. Usually, a small red bump appears if there is allergic to a substance.
A blood test, or radioallergosorbent test (RAST), is also common. The RAST measures the amount of immunoglobulin E antibodies to particular allergens in your blood.
Homeopathic Remedies:-
*Arsenicum album 30*
1. It has a thin watery discharge from the nose which excoriates the upper lip, but still the nose is stuffed up.
2. There is much sneezing from irritation in the nose, but not a particle of relief there from;
3. The coryza is worse after midnight or from a change of weather.
3. Patient is very restless mentally and physically.
4. Very particular of everything, wants everything very neat and clean.
5. Thirst for small quantity of water at short interval 
*Ambrosia artemisiaefolia 30*
1. This medicine is prepared from common ragweed and is useful in some cases of hay fever.
2. It is used as a prophylactic.
3. It would probably be in-efficacious in cases arising from the pollen of the golden rod and daisy.
*Sabadilla 30*
1. It is of great use in hay fever with watery discharge, profuse coryza and frontal pains.
2. There is spasmodic and continual sneezing with only slight catarrhal discharge.
3. It will often cut short an attack, but it will not always cure permanently as it is not deep action enough.
4. Violent sneezing in morning with profuse nasal discharge
5. Strong craving or aversion for garlic and onion.
*Naphthalene 30*
1. Applicable to more cases of hay fever, better results are obtained from it than from any other drug.
2. It also has prophylactic power if used in the 3x or 2x potency.
3. Its indications are excoriating lachrymation and coryza.
4. Swelling of eyelids and nose.
5. It is more pronounced in its action on the left side.
6. Especially useful in those experiencing asthmatic symptoms.
*Allium cepa 30*
1. Watery nasal discharge with profuse lacrymation [watery eyes]
2. Burning in eyes and eyelids.
3. Feels better in open air.
4. Violent sneezing as soon as reaching in warm room.
5. Watery nasal discharge with headache and cough.
6. Burning in nose, mouth and throat
*Aralia racemosa 30*
1. Medicine for asthma associated with hay fever.
2. Asthma on lying down.
3. All complaints specially around mid night.
4. Dry cough with ticking sensation in throat.
*Natrum sulph 200*
1. Allergic complaints due to living in damp house,  ye and cellars.
2. All complaints worse in rainy season.
3. Thick yellow nasal discharge.
4. Difficult breathing in damp weather. Constant desire to take deep breath. 
*Merc Sol 30*
1. Pt is sensitivity to both heat and colD.
2. .There is a lot of sneezing and watery discharge from the nose.
3. There is Increased sweating.
4. Profuse salivation with thirst
5. Foul smelling of mouth.
*Arundo 30*
1. There is  intense itching in the palate and the nose,
2. There is a lot of burning and itching in the nose, the eyes and the roof of the mouth.
3. Sense of smell becomes diminished.
*Natrum Mur 30*
1.  There is a lot of sneezing.
2. .There is intense dryness of the mouth and the mucous membranes.
3. The discharge from the nose is thin and watery and resembles the white of an egg.
4. There is an increased desire to eat salt or salty food.


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