Hundred reasons for Homeopathy

Here are some views to choose Homeopathy from my clinical experience.
1) No crude drugs are used in Homoeopathy,therefore it is absolute safe.
2) All remedies are tested on human volunteers,not on animals like allopathy.
3) No one is harmed during testing of homeopathic medicines. (unlike with pharmaceutical drugs)
4) The therapeutic dose is considered the least amount needed to stimulate healing.
5)  A single remedy often covers many different symptoms.
6)  In many cases a single dose of remedy results in healing.
7)  The remedies taste sweet when given dry and children like them.
8)  Remedies are easily given to unconscious patients as only a few drops are required.
9)  Remedies work fast because they don’t have to be digested or travel through the alimentary canal. Sometimes they work in seconds.
11)  Remedies helps re-establish equilibrium in the body/mind.
12)  Detailed case taking which may last for two hours, tries to understand the patient as a whole, not just the disease.
13)  A remedy given for one ailment often heals other problems.
14) Not a single remedy is addictive or creates drug dependency.
15)  Remedies helps boost immunity (Vital force) in general.
16)   Actual remedy effectiveness does not expire. Remedies have been known to work even after 100 years.
17) Remedies have no chemical side effects, only poseces beneficial effects.
18)  Remedies have been used to prevent disease and, unlike vaccines, have no side effects.
19) Medicine can sometimes be selected after a brief interview with the patient.
20)  Most of the time, there is no need for specialists in homeopathy as people are treated rather than diseases. (Although homeopaths who see many similar cases may become more adopt with those problems.)
21) Homoeopathic doctors aim for cure, for long–term benefits, not just short term relief.
22)  Although modern testing methods are used, treatment is often possible without invasive diagnostic procedures,
23)  Remedies may be taken along with other form of treatment. However they work best when given alone.
24)  Patients addicted to conventional or recreational drugs can be treated without the use of substitute drugs.  They can be weaned off the drugs.
25) Homoeopathy views disease as being caused originally by a disruption in energy flow.
26) In some cases that would normally be considered surgical – surgery can be avoided.
27)  Remedies can often treat post-surgical discomfort without drugging or side effects.
28)  Because remedies re-establish equilibrium at the most basic levels, life expectancy can be increased.
29) If cure is not possible, palliation still works and without side effects.
30) In case of old age or debility when there is multisystem damage and patients cannot tolerate drugs, they can tolerate homoeopathy.
31) Sometimes homoeopathic remedies help people evolve emotionally and spiritually.
32)  Pregnant women may be treated safely without danger to the fetus.
33)  Homeopathic remedies are economical as they cost pennies a dose.
34) Homoeopathic remedies treat mental symptoms without any drug side effects.
35) Chronic diseases can often be cured, and when not, frequency of attacks can be reduced.
36)  Remedies are environmentally friendly. There are no medical waste products.
37) Terminally ill patients can be relieved of fear and pass peacefully.
38)  Remedies can help people cope with life crises.
39) Homoeopathy can often cure when there is no hope through conventional medicine.
40)  Case taking in homoeopathy gives the patient the opportunity to express their deepest concerns and hopes.
41) In many instances no medicine is required for breast fed babies. Only treating the mother is sufficient.
42)  Homeopathy can help promote easier and safer birthing.
43) Homeopathy can often heal complaints that go back many years.
44)  Return of old symptoms temporarily is a way of knowing the patient is on the road to cure.
45) Homoeopathy doctors still follow the moral teachings of Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, unlike modern doctors who violate Hippocrates oath with each toxic drug.
46) Homoeopathic practitioners seek to understand and treat the causes of disease.
47 )  Homeopaths gives great importance to your feelings, your desires, aversions, dreams, fears and other emotions.
48)  Through their understanding of miasms, homeopaths have a framework for understanding the causes of and potential cures for chronic diseases.
49) Homoeopaths give the highest importance to the mental state in disease.
50) Homeopathy has survived attacks from conventional medicine for 200 years.
51) Once people experience the healing effect of a homeopathic remedy, they no longer doubt it.
52)  Homeopathic remedies can help provide courage to people who are faltering.
53) No homeopathic medicine has ever been withdrawn due to side effects.
54)  As  Homeopathy heals by affecting the vital force, it causes us to think more deeply about life.
55)  In many cases, just by knowing the cause of an illness, the correct remedy can be prescribed.
56)  The homeopath gets to know the patient intimately when taking a chronic case.
57)  Homoeopathy teaches that any substance may have a medicinal value if it is processed in the right manner.
58) Dr Samuel Hahnemann’s life story demonstrates courage and determination in a struggle to establish the truth.
59) Homeopaths understand and make use of the various relationships of the remedies.
60) Homoeopaths can address acute attacks of chronic disease.
61) Homeopathy cures in a gentle and safer ways than any other system of medicine.
62)Homeopaths give importance to both physical and mental symptoms thats why prescribing in holistic way.This is the only system of medicine that balances the Mind-Body and Soul.
63)Homeopathy boosts the energy level of a human being while sick.That's why in this system the patient feels better after medication without depending upon the vitamin supplements.
64)There is no molecular substance present in Homeopathy medicines thats why no ways to fear of any side effects.Rather its cure happens due to its molecular imprinting structure.
65)It can be safely used in cases of domestic animals & birds with sure and rapid result.
66)Some doctors even found it to be very useful in agriculture sector also.So no questions now arise about its efficiency and result.
67)Homeopathy never advocates in suppression rather establishes the cure by bringing out the hidden substances to surface level.
68)Its the universal proved truth that it works and we have to accept the bitter truth that its only the modern science could not reach upto that level to find its working mechanism till now.
69) A good Homeopath after practicing the Homeopathy in its original ways as stated by Organon becomes  a very nice social human being.
70)Homeopathy gives equal importance to both educated and uneducated persons and the physician always educates its patients in a friendly manner.
71)A well educated and trained person can practice and cure a number of patients without any fear.Here is the first and foremost "THE EXPERIENCE" matters while dealing a case with Homeopathy remedy.So anyone can practice and experience the Truth.
72)A homeopathic prescription depends on the experience of the attending physician how well he observed the given case.That's why for a single person having multiple complaints receives different remedies from various Homeopaths and interestingly all the physicians claim their thinking right.
73)Its the most important fact that Homeopathy keeps the patient -doctor relations so strong that each individual gets result from their respective Homeopathic Consultants.So the conclusion is that its not the matter of educational documents or faith,but the results only kept this beautiful way of treating till alive against all the odds.
74)Homeopathy keeps all the humans under one umbrella no matter how much rich or poor he is(pocket friendly).So manipulation from doctors and pharmaceutical industries is not possible in this science.
75)It treats the person suffering from disease not only the name of disease.Thats why the disease disappears from the root and the cure or relief lasts forever.
76)Its a well balanced therapy of both Arts and Science which enables a person for better commerce(financial condition).
77)Homeopathy is being equally and easily adopted by both Science and Arts students.
78)The theory behind its working mechanism and preparation comes under Science and it needs more research now to fit with the current developed science.
79)The prescription part is purely comes under Arts and it depends upon the skill of the attending physician.
80)This is the only and most loved treatment therapy which gives equal importance to both Science and Psychology.
81)All most all Psychosomatic disorders can be well addressed by Homeopathy.
82)Homeopathy helps Psychiatric cases to live normal social life without using sedative drugs.
83)It doesn't create panic impressions on a patient mind as no use of injections or surgical instruments in this natural therapy.
84)It boosts the persons immune system,thus promoting the person to adopt to next years climate easily.(Best Immunization Therapy)
85)Homeopathy gives importance to social interaction of a person and balances the basic fundamental signs of a nice human being (Love,Gratitude,Peace,Freedom,Grace).
86)Homeopathy doesn't harm on a person's intellectual capacity.It keeps both Emotion and Intellect of a person in a perfect balanced state so that fulfils the dream of a future constructive world.
87)Homeopathy is nature friendly and advocates a natural greenery cool world.
88)Homeopathy helps the persons to give up the alcohol,tobacco and other drugs addiction habits.
89)Homeopathy advocates no use of alcohol and other harmful habits while using the medicine thus helps the suffering person and his family to a great extent.
90)Homeopathy can make a person beautiful naturally without using so many harmful chemical and cosmetics.The skin glows when a person achieves the perfect balance between Mind-Body and Soul
91)Homeopathy works excellently in cases of ADHD children.It beautifully rectifies their daily life and behavioral disorder ,hence brings the smile in family.
92)Homeopathy works wonder in depression and completely deminses the suicidal tendency in youth.
93) Homeopathy increases concentration power in children and youths so decreases the frequent accident proneness.
94)Homeopathy advocates of vegetarian food thus promoting peace in world.
95)Homeopaths regularly advises the sick persons to avoid alcohol and any type of bad habits,so helps to create beautiful family lifes.
96)Homeopathy prescription gives importance to IPR of a person,so drastically reduces intolerance among near and dears.(interpersonal relationship)
97)The person under Homeopathy adopts the situation better than any other therapy thus minimizing  the reaction to lead a healthy life in future.
98)Homeopathy keeps its patient and physician always young and healthy in mind and body.
99)Homeopathy believes in INDIVIDUALIZATION, so a physician always busy in solving each case thus engazing himself in research and reading,so always scope of betterment only in this science.
100)At last not the least  Homeopathy gives  a better hope to this intolerant and destructive world.
      Here I have addressed most of the benefits of this beautiful science called Homoeopathy with hope from you to add many more.We can discuss anything about Homoeopathy on my Cell-9337404283 or Mail me at result for homoeopathy pictures


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