Pregnancy /Gestation Tips
When you are trying to get pregnant, it can be really taxing to take care of the zillion little things. From keeping tabs on the ovulation dates to the constant worrying about conceiving, there are endless number of things to be kept in mind.
So, if you too have decided to start a family and are clueless about where to begin with (apart from having loads of sex), we are here to help you with the same. Here is a 7-step guide to getting pregnant.
1. Keep track of your menstrual cycle
Tracking your period cycle is not only important to increase your chances of getting pregnant, but it is also crucial for your overall health. So, first things first, start keeping a tab on your period dates. There are plenty of applications readily available on smartphones these days which can do the job for you. Your menstrual cycle is calculated from the first day of your period to the first day of the next cycle. It usually varies between 21-35 days as it differs for every woman.
2. Focus on the right time
While having unprotected sex regularly i.e. every 3 to 5 days is one way to go, you also need to know the time when your body is the most fertile. Hence, it is important to know the days of your ovulation.
What is ovulation?
Ovulation is actually the release of an egg from the ovaries. After the egg is released, its primary goal is to move down the fallopian tube and meet the sperm for fertilization. The egg (also known as the ovum) survives for around 12 to 24 hours.
Why should you know about your ovulation dates?
The biggest mistake that you can make while trying to get pregnant is not knowing the days you are ovulating. A woman is much more likely to be fertile during her ovulation period, so it is important that you know about these dates in the month.
Symptoms of ovulation:
Even if you are marking your ovulation in a diary or an application, there are certain tell-tale signs of ovulation that you must pay attention to:
a. Your cervical mucus changes its consistency and becomes thinner and stretchier. (Think of a raw egg white)
b. You might feel a little warm once your ovulation starts as your basal body temperature increases by at least 0.5
c. During your most fertile days, you may also experience soreness in your breasts and nipple sensitivity.
d. An increase in sex drive (libido) is one of the most common signs of ovulation.
3. Get hot and heavy before you ovulate
As we have mentioned before, an egg usually lives around 12 to 24 hours after being released. So to seize the opportunity, it is advised to have regular, unprotected sex right before your ovulation dates begin.
To boost your chances of getting pregnant, keep a tab on your menstrual cycle and start having regular vaginal sex right after your period ends. The logic here is since sperms usually have a life of around 2 to 5 days, having sex before the ovum is released increases the chances of having a sperm around when the egg is finally released.
4. Choose the correct sex position
When you are trying to conceive, it is common to get worried about what works and what does not work. While there are a lot of myths floating around regarding the correct sex position which is best for babymaking, be rest assured that these are all old wives' tales.
When it comes to having sex, the best position is the one that feels the most comfortable and natural to you and your partner. So whether it is the good, old vanilla or something experimental, anything which feels good to you and your partner is the correct sex position.
The bottom line is the position you are using should allow your partner to ejaculate inside your vagina.
Another thing that you can try and do is rest on your back after you are done as it will allow the little swimmers to find their way to the egg.
5. Get folic acid
Folic acid is an important prenatal vitamin, which your body needs more during pregnancy. It is considered a pregnancy superfood which is known to prevent birth defects. Additionally, you must maintain a balanced diet including orange juice, green and leafy vegetables and fresh fruits.
6. Ignite the romance
A lot of times, couples take a lot of stress and unwanted pressure, while trying to conceive. Our suggestion? Go for a second honeymoon or even a staycation to relax together. Try different ways to heat things in the bed and reignite the passion. Calm your nerves and bond with each other, so that babymaking does not seem like a chore.
7. Some important DON’TS!
While a lot of couples use lube to get things going, we suggest going the natural way as a lot of lubricants might mess up with the sperm motility of the man. Always be on a lookout for sperm-friendly, natural lubes.
Secondly, if you already haven’t stopped smoking, we suggest kicking the butt now. Similarly cut down on your alcohol intake if you are trying to get pregnant. We suggest it is best if you and your partner both avoid smoking and alcohol, at least till the time you are trying to conceive and even during it.
for more details you can contact Dr.A.N.Das on 9337404283 or mail at

So, if you too have decided to start a family and are clueless about where to begin with (apart from having loads of sex), we are here to help you with the same. Here is a 7-step guide to getting pregnant.
1. Keep track of your menstrual cycle
Tracking your period cycle is not only important to increase your chances of getting pregnant, but it is also crucial for your overall health. So, first things first, start keeping a tab on your period dates. There are plenty of applications readily available on smartphones these days which can do the job for you. Your menstrual cycle is calculated from the first day of your period to the first day of the next cycle. It usually varies between 21-35 days as it differs for every woman.
2. Focus on the right time
While having unprotected sex regularly i.e. every 3 to 5 days is one way to go, you also need to know the time when your body is the most fertile. Hence, it is important to know the days of your ovulation.
What is ovulation?
Ovulation is actually the release of an egg from the ovaries. After the egg is released, its primary goal is to move down the fallopian tube and meet the sperm for fertilization. The egg (also known as the ovum) survives for around 12 to 24 hours.
Why should you know about your ovulation dates?
The biggest mistake that you can make while trying to get pregnant is not knowing the days you are ovulating. A woman is much more likely to be fertile during her ovulation period, so it is important that you know about these dates in the month.
Symptoms of ovulation:
Even if you are marking your ovulation in a diary or an application, there are certain tell-tale signs of ovulation that you must pay attention to:
a. Your cervical mucus changes its consistency and becomes thinner and stretchier. (Think of a raw egg white)
b. You might feel a little warm once your ovulation starts as your basal body temperature increases by at least 0.5
c. During your most fertile days, you may also experience soreness in your breasts and nipple sensitivity.
d. An increase in sex drive (libido) is one of the most common signs of ovulation.
3. Get hot and heavy before you ovulate
As we have mentioned before, an egg usually lives around 12 to 24 hours after being released. So to seize the opportunity, it is advised to have regular, unprotected sex right before your ovulation dates begin.
To boost your chances of getting pregnant, keep a tab on your menstrual cycle and start having regular vaginal sex right after your period ends. The logic here is since sperms usually have a life of around 2 to 5 days, having sex before the ovum is released increases the chances of having a sperm around when the egg is finally released.
4. Choose the correct sex position
When you are trying to conceive, it is common to get worried about what works and what does not work. While there are a lot of myths floating around regarding the correct sex position which is best for babymaking, be rest assured that these are all old wives' tales.
When it comes to having sex, the best position is the one that feels the most comfortable and natural to you and your partner. So whether it is the good, old vanilla or something experimental, anything which feels good to you and your partner is the correct sex position.
The bottom line is the position you are using should allow your partner to ejaculate inside your vagina.
Another thing that you can try and do is rest on your back after you are done as it will allow the little swimmers to find their way to the egg.
5. Get folic acid
Folic acid is an important prenatal vitamin, which your body needs more during pregnancy. It is considered a pregnancy superfood which is known to prevent birth defects. Additionally, you must maintain a balanced diet including orange juice, green and leafy vegetables and fresh fruits.
6. Ignite the romance
A lot of times, couples take a lot of stress and unwanted pressure, while trying to conceive. Our suggestion? Go for a second honeymoon or even a staycation to relax together. Try different ways to heat things in the bed and reignite the passion. Calm your nerves and bond with each other, so that babymaking does not seem like a chore.
7. Some important DON’TS!
While a lot of couples use lube to get things going, we suggest going the natural way as a lot of lubricants might mess up with the sperm motility of the man. Always be on a lookout for sperm-friendly, natural lubes.
Secondly, if you already haven’t stopped smoking, we suggest kicking the butt now. Similarly cut down on your alcohol intake if you are trying to get pregnant. We suggest it is best if you and your partner both avoid smoking and alcohol, at least till the time you are trying to conceive and even during it.
for more details you can contact Dr.A.N.Das on 9337404283 or mail at

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