
Physical block: Because an accident is an unpredictable event, we often believe it happens by pure chance. But now increasingly we are told: “There are no accidents.” Nothing happens by coincidence. I believe that chance and accidents are tools the Universe (God) uses to get our attention. Just make note of what part of the body has been injured and how seriously. These are important considerations when trying to understand the metaphysical cause of the accident. 

Emotional block: Accidents are interpreted unconsciously as punishment, as on a deeper level we blame ourselves and accuse our inner self. We feel responsible for what goes on around us. For example: a mother, tending to her chores, hears her child calling from the next room. She feels the child can wait and, continuing with her chores, trips and hurts her leg. If she asks herself: “What was I thinking just now?” she realises that she was accusing herself of being a neglectful mother. Hurting her leg was punishment for being such a mother, one that did not want to go to her child. Accidents are a way to neutralise our guilt, to punish ourselves. Unfortunately, all this goes on unconsciously.

Mental block: Your definition of guilt needs to be revised. According to our legal system, a person is declared guilty when it has been proven beyond a shadow of doubt that harm was intended. Each time you blame yourself or feel guilty about something, ask yourself if you intended to do harm. If not, stop accusing yourself in your mind. This will help you to stop punishing yourself with ‘accidents’.

In the example above, do you think the mother intended to harm her child? Nothing happened that she needs to punish herself for. When someone is actually guilty, the law of cause and effect will prevail and will exhibit itself in his character. A wise and responsible person is one who recognises when he is at fault, and asks forgiveness of the person he has wronged or hurt. In doing so, he creates harmony that will come back to him as harmony and acceptance. This is Divine Justice.

If your accident was an unconscious way of giving yourself a ‘break’, it is important to remember that you could have accomplished the same thing without injuring yourself physically. It would be much less painful to simply make your request known.

If your injury is significant and painful, such as a fracture, it is an indication that you are consciously or unconsciously suppressing violent thoughts directed at someone else. By nature, violent thoughts cannot be contained and may instead turn inward against yourself. Liberate yourself by communicating your feelings to the other person, forgiving yourself for having the thoughts in the meantime.

Spiritual block and conclusion: To uncover the spiritual block that keeps you from responding to the needs of your BEING, refer to the Key Questions at the end of this article(in metaphysics post). In answering these questions, you will come in touch more easily and accurately with the true cause of your physical problem.


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