
Physical block: Asthma is an intermittent illness characterised by episodes of narrowing of the bronchial tubes of the lungs, resulting in a form of suffocation. Symptoms include pressure in the chest, wheezing, shortness of breath and often a feeling of panic. Between attacks, breathing is normal and the thorax is quiet.

Emotional block: If you are asthmatic, you will find you usually have no problem inhaling but have difficulty exhaling. Your body is signalling that you want to take on too much and have great difficulty delivering. You will not admit any limitation, even to yourself. You want to seem stronger than you are just to be loved by others. You also want things to be done your way, and when that doesn’t happen, an asthma attack is just the excuse you need to not be strong as you seem.

Mental block: Your asthma attacks are sending you an urgent message. The internal approach of ‘taking on too much’ is poisoning and suffocating you. Liberate yourself. Love and accept yourself with all your weaknesses and limitations. You are human; simply take your place in the human family. There is no need to overwhelm others with your feats or your illness.

Spiritual block and conclusion: To uncover the spiritual block that keeps you from responding to the needs of your BEING, refer to the Key Questions given in metaphysics post.


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