
Physical block: I refer here to clinical or chronic depression. Common symptoms of depression include loss of interest and lack of pleasure in normal everyday activities, a feeling of hopelessness or despondency associated with exhaustion or loss of energy, loss of concentration, feelings of indifference, disinterest, discouragement, withdrawal and preoccupation. The depressive becomes completely self-absorbed and feels no need for help from others. They feel others should change, not themselves. Serious depression can lead to suicidal thoughts. Depression is often misdiagnosed as burnout. 

Emotional block: If you are experiencing depression, realise that it is a state of mind to which you retreat in order to escape the feeling of pressure, especially emotional pressure. After many years of careful observation, I have determined that most depressive people carry unresolved issues with opposite-sex parents. This explains why it is common to blame their spouses for their depression. The resulting torment the spouse goes through was meant for the parent. By refusing to get help, you continue to feed the monstrous frame of mind a steady diet of bitterness and hatred that builds and increases the weight of the depression. This cloud of accumulated destructive thoughts and emotions becomes heavier and heavier.

The depth of emotional wounding determines the depth of the depression. Wounds of rejection, abandonment, humiliation, betrayal, or injustice set the stage for tremendous mental upheaval, especially if experienced in isolation. As young children, depressives had no one to talk to, to hear their questions and to share their anguish. If they do not learn to trust others, they will continue to withdraw and deny their desires.

Mental block: Since a depressive person doesn’t want to be helped, it’s usually the people close to them that want to help. If you are one of these people and have someone close to you who is depressive, I suggest you be quite firm with them. Tell them they are the only one capable of digging themselves out of the pit they dug for themselves and, thereafter stop trying to solve their problem.

Note to the depressive: The most important thing for you to realise is that the depression is a result of tremendous emotional wounding, when young, on the deepest level, the level of BEING. You refuse who you are. You reject yourself and believe you are unlovable and unworthy because of the profound rejection of someone you loved and trusted. We all need nurturing and need to trust someone completely. If those needs are violated through rejection or abandonment, we will naturally be bitter, as we feel intensely alone and afraid. If you can understand that the parent or loved one that you feel rejected you was coming from their own pain and rejection; if you can learn to see them as fellow human beings and have compassion for them, you will have taken the first step toward your own recovery. It wasn’t a lack of love that caused them to reject you; it was their own wounded inner child that made them unable to express their love.

By connecting with the inner child of the person who hurt you, you will find that you are able to forgive them. The next important step is to get in touch with your own inner child and to forgive it for being angry and bitter. Love this child unconditionally to begin the healing process.

The final step is to talk openly with the person who hurt you about what you have felt. Tell them how you have carried all this pain inside, talk about the anger and the bitterness without judgment or accusation. Above all, forgive.

Once you have expressed your feelings, reconnect with your own self-worth. If this is difficult for you, ask others close to you to show you your positive attributes. It may seem superficial at first, but you will slowly begin to feel validated.

If you have been having suicidal thoughts, there is a part of you that wants to die in order to make room for a healthier, more vital part of you—your true self. You are confusing the part of you that wants to die with yourself.

Spiritual block and conclusion: To uncover the spiritual block that keeps you from responding to the needs of your BEING, refer to the Key Questions given in metaphysics posts.

For further details and consultation please free to call or whatsapp Dr.A.N.Das on 91-9337404283 or mail at


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