
Physical block: Diabetes is a disturbance in the metabolism from lack of insulin secreted by the pancreas, or from its inability to function normally. 85 per cent of adults diagnosed with diabetes are overweight.

Emotional block: The pancreas is the gland linked with the solar plexus, which deals with emotions, desires and all intellectual activities. Pancreatic disorders indicate imbalance on the emotional level. If you are diabetic, you are often very emotional and have too many desires for yourself and others. You want everyone to have a slice of the pie. But you can also be envious if someone has more than you.

You are a devoted person but you expect much from yourself and others. You tend to blame yourself readily for others’ dissatisfaction. You also tend to expend excessive energy to respond to your needs. This behaviour is caused by an inner sadness from an unmet desire to be loved.

Juvenile diabetes may manifest in children who feel insufficiently acknowledged. They are exhibiting an inner emptiness that seeks some form of compensation.

Mental block: Diabetes is a signal that you need to learn to let go and let things happen at their own  pace. Stop trying to control the course of events. You need to realise that it is not your purpose to make everyone else happy. Others may not even want what you want for them, or they might not desire it intensely. Acknowledge all the goodness that flows freely in your life, become mindful of the moment and taste each moment in all its delicious glory. Don’t let yourself be distracted by what you may want tomorrow. Accept that, even though you may have been unable to fulfil a very important desire in the past, you still can enjoy smaller ones in the moment.

If you are a young child or adolescent with juvenile diabetes, stop thinking that you are the forgotten child. Find yourself and your place in the family.

Spiritual block and conclusion: To uncover the spiritual block that keeps you from responding to the needs of your BEING, refer to the Key Questions given in metaphysics post.

For further details and consultation please free to call or whatsapp Dr.A.N.Das on 91-9337404283 or mail at drandas28@gmail.com.


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