
Physical block: The following explanation applies to a normal headache not bigger problems such as migraine. 

Emotional block: The head has a direct link with the I AM. If you have a headache (especially on the top of the head), it means that you hit yourself over the head with belittling I AMs. You accuse yourself of not being intelligent enough; you ask a lot for yourself.

You belittle instead of appreciate yourself. If you feel as though your head is going to burst, the message is to stop accumulating so much within yourself through fear of other people’s judgment of what you are or are not.

You may fear being ahead, in other words being in front, being first or leading the way.

Having a headache, especially in the area of the forehead, indicates that you try too hard to understand everything. You should give your intellect time to accumulate enough data in its memory for your intelligence to be able to make a synthesis and better understand.

Mental block: Because the head is the seat of four or five senses, it is a very important part of the body. When it hurts, you are prevented from seeing, hearing, feeling, and saying clearly what meets your needs; this distances you from what you want to be. You’re being sent the massage to get in contact with your real I AM, with who you are at the moment. There’s no point in forcing yourself to be what you believe others want you to be. No one in this world can be exactly what all those around them would like.

Your body is showing you that you should let go of your mental activity, stop wanting to understand everything mentally and just be yourself.

Spiritual block and conclusion: To uncover the spiritual block that keeps you from responding to the needs of your BEING, refer to the Key Questions given in metaphysics post.

For further details and consultation please free to call or whatsapp Dr.A.N.Das on 91-9337404283 or mail at drandas28@gmail.com.


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