
Metaphysical causes of disease and how to deal with them
 Any physical problem is a manifestation of dis-ease on psychological and/or emotional levels. The physical body is responding to the imbalance and warning of the need to return to the path of love and harmony

Key Questions In order to pinpoint the cause of your physical illness more accurately, ask yourself the following questions:
‘‘What are the words that best describe what I am experiencing inside or on my body and how do I feel about it?’’
The answer to the above question reflects what you are experiencing regarding the person or situation that is at the root of your illness.
a)  ‘‘What is this illness preventing me from doing and/or having?
The answers to this question represent one or more desires that are being blocked.
b) ‘‘If I allowed myself to achieve these desires, what would I be?’’
‘‘If I allowed myself to be ———————————— (fill in the blank with the answer from the previous question) what unpleasant situation could happen to me AND what would people think of me (or what would I think of myself)?’’
Your answers will correspond with the harmful belief that is blocking you from meeting your own needs and achieving your dreams. This belief manifests as a physical block.
Refer to answer (b) under emotional block. Your response indicates a deep and profound need that is being blocked by an inappropriate belief system.
Once you are able to unearth the belief that blocks you from being what you really want and need, you will have to work on it. The first step is to acknowledge that at some point in your life, you decided to believe this. You thought that this belief would prevent you from suffering the same pain over and over. The next step is to ask yourself if you still need to believe this in order to be happy. If you answer yes, you’ve determined that your belief is still of use to you—by all means continue to believe it and behave as you always have. But don’t expect any change in your life as you are the architect of your own life, the choice is yours. Just know that by refusing to go towards what you want in life, your life will remain the same.
If you’ve determined that your belief is still partly true but that it makes you unhappy, determine whether or not it has diminished in strength in the last couple of years. If it has, it will be easier to let go of. By doing so, you will be on the road to recovery.
When you know deep inside that you want to change this belief, all that remains is to take steps to achieve your desires in order to let yourself to BE WHAT YOU WANT TO BE.

If someone wishes for good health, one must first ask oneself if he is ready to do away with the reasons for his illness. Only then is it possible to help him.
Metaphysics is a philosophy that methodically investigates the nature of first principles and problems of ultimate reality. Its link with the physical is critical to permanent healing and is by no means contraindicated in conjunction with conventional healing. On the contrary, it is medicine’s most valuable teammate.

I have chosen to use the word ‘metaphysical’ rather than ‘psychosomatic’ because of the implications of the definitions. Psychosomatic is defined as “pertaining to, or caused by phenomena that are both physiological and psychological”. The term carries with it a common misconception that it relates to disease that is ‘all in one’s head’ or ‘in the imagination’.

The science of metaphysics has resurfaced since the advent of psychoanalysis. Freud discovered that the body and the psyche are irrevocably linked. Researchers in the field since such as Wilhelm Reich, Fritz Perls and Louise Hay have greatly contributed to the resurgence of the body of information that constitutes metaphysical science.

When illness or disease is indicated, the body is communicating to us that our way of thinking (although unconscious) is out of harmony with what is beneficial to our being. Illness indicates the need to change in our belief system and tells us that we have reached our physical and psychological limits. Illness is thus a gift whose purpose is to bring back the equilibrium in our being. The physical body does not create illness because the physical body can do nothing by itself. What maintains its life is our soul, our inner self.

If you believe that illnesses, accidents and disorders are relevant only to the physical self, you are dissociating yourself from your mental, emotional and spiritual aspects, thereby refusing to acknowledge the majority of what makes you who you really are!

You have only to recall a situation where you’ve experienced instinctive reactions (such as your heart racing when you are afraid or that feeling in the pit of your stomach when you anticipate something you may be dreading), these automatic reactions are not coming from the physical body, but are transferred to the physical body through thoughts or emotions.

The most frequent causes of illness are negative attitudes and emotions, guilt, the need for attention, or the need to escape an unpleasant situation. Those who are vulnerable to the suggestion that illness is ‘contagious’ will attract illness because they expect to be sick as a result of circumstances. If they believe, for example, that a draught will result in a cold, they will ‘get’ a cold when exposed to a draught.

With each illness or disorder, your body is reminding you to love yourself. Through genuine self-love, you allow your heart to guide you to wellness and wholeness. To love yourself is to give yourself permission to live as you choose. When you love yourself, you accept yourself as you are at any moment—in all your humility—with fears, weaknesses, desires, beliefs and aspirations that are all facets of who you are. 

For further details and consultation please free to call or whatsapp Dr.A.N.Das on 91-9337404283 or mail at


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