
Physical block: Obesity is an increase in body weight as a result of an excessive accumulation of fat in the body beyond skeletal and physical limitations.

Emotional block: Although obesity can be caused by many physiological factors, the psychological implications are related to a situation or person that humiliated you when you were young and you felt ashamed. You now live in a state of perpetual fear of feeling ashamed, making someone else feel ashamed or being shamed by someone else.

You have built a psychological wall around you—barrier of fat to shield you from the demands and expectations of others. You probably have difficulty saying no and have a tendency to take on too much because you would be ashamed to say no.

You may feel sandwiched between two people; doing everything you can to satisfy both. You want to make others happy to prove that you are not ashamed of them. While doing this, you’re completely out of touch with your own needs.

It is also common to gain weight as a protective psychological barrier against the opposite sex. You may believe that your bulk will not be attractive to the opposite sex and you will therefore avoid being hurt, humiliated or emotionally abused by them.

Frequently, obese people want to take their rightful place in life but are uncomfortable doing so. Little do they know that they are already taking a lot of space in life, not only physically.

Mental block: In my observation, those with obesity are often deeply sensitive; they are unable to take a long, hard, honest look at themselves in a mirror. Are you able to really look at each part of your body in a mirror? It’s very important if you want to address your obesity and fully understand it. The ability to look honestly at your physical body is linked with your capacity to look beyond the physical to the real cause of this problem.

Experiencing the humiliation you did as a child has caused you to build a protective barrier to prevent you from being taken advantage of. You thought you could achieve your goals by being a ‘nice’ person and by taking on other people’s burdens. It is important for you to learn how to receive instead of always giving. Realise that receiving takes nothing away from others.

I suggest that at the end of each day you recount any incident that humiliated you or made you feel ashamed, and determine whether the shame was really justified. Ask someone you trust what they think.

Also, make it a habit to ask yourself “what do I really want?” before agreeing to others’ requests or before offering your services. The love and esteem that others have for you will not diminish. On the contrary, they will appreciate the fact that you respect yourself and that you are taking a stand. Although you will always be an obliging person, as is your nature, you also need to learn to feed your own soul. It is your birthright to be happy and to take your place in the lives of those close to you. Believe in your own self-worth!

Spiritual block and conclusion: To uncover the spiritual block that keeps you from responding to the needs of your BEING, refer to the Key Questions given in metaphysics post.

For further details and consultation please free to call or whatsapp Dr.A.N.Das on 91-9337404283 or mail at drandas28@gmail.com.


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