Homoeopathic Management for Corona Infection

Although Homoeopathic prescription depends on totality of symptoms and should be an individualistic approach,here are some clinical prescription based upon my 20 years of practice.You can try it under the guidance of a Consultant Homoeoapth.
Possible Homoeopathic  remedies for all the associated symptoms of Corona virus infection.
Complain number 1:-Sudden acute fever-Aconite Nap,Arsenic Alb,Belladonna,Bryonia Alb,Eupatorium Perf, Gelsemium Semp, Rhus- Tox,Sepia,Sulphur etc.
Complain number 2:-Dry cough-Belladonna,Bryonia alb,,Drosera,Ipecac,Kali Bich,Rumex,Sticta Pulm,Spongia etc.
Complain number 3:-Difficulty in breathing-Arsenic Alb,Arsenic Iod,Antim Tart,Antim Ars,Cuprum Met,Carbo Veg,Kali Ars,Stannum Met etc.
Complain number 4:-Loss of smell or taste-Allium Cepa,Arsenic Alb,Ammon mur,Natrum Mur,Pulsatilla,Nux Vom etc.
Complain number 5:-Intense Chill-Arenia D,Arsenic Alb,Camphor,Veratrum Alb,Chininum Ars,Chininum Sulph,Eupat Perf ,Gelsemium Semp etc.
Complain number 6:-Muscle Pain-Arnica Mont,Bellis Per,Bryonia Alb,Eupatorium Perf,Rhus Tox etc.
Complain number 7:-Headache-Aconite Nap,Belladonna,Bryonia Alb,Gelsemium,Ignatia,Sangunaria Can,Spigellia,Nux Vom etc.
Complain number 8:-Pink Eye-Euphrasia,Arg Nit,Belladonna,Merc Sol,Pulsatilla,Rhus Tox,Sulphur etc.
Complain Number 9:-Sore Throat-Arsenic Alb, Apis Mel, Belladonna, Bryonia Alb, Hepar Sulph, Merc Sol, Phytolacca, Rhus Tox, Pulsatilla etc.
NB:- Never try self medication.Please consult to a nearest Homeopath before taking  any remedy.       
   Coronavirus Resource Center - Harvard Health


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