Child-birth and Homeopathy

 Childbirth is not a disease. It is a normal progression of actions of the body to deliver a baby into this world. Because it is a process, there is plenty that can go wrong and affect the health of the mother and child. Homeopathy can help the process along and help preserve the good health of the mother and child.

Labor is a series of rhythmic, progressive contractions of the uterus that gradually moves the fetus through the lower part of the uterus, through the vagina, and into the outside world. It is truly a manifestation of the miracle of creation. This process happens in three stages. 

The first stage is labor proper. This most commonly starts with the rupture of the amniotic sac and the release of the amniotic fluid. It has two phases where the contractions push the fetus into the cervix. This is called dilation as the fetus begins to appear and the cervix is opening. This process usually lasts around 12 hours and is not usually painful. The second stage is when the cervix pulls back and expands to be one with the uterus. This change allows the fetus to pass through the vagina. This phase usually lasts 2-3 hours. Contractions become more intense and frequent. 

The second stage is the delivery. This stage usually lasts an hour or less and is the most painful stage of the labor. This is when the mother is encouraged to push and expel the child through the birth canal. This is also the most dangerous time for the mother and child.

The third stage is the delivery of the placenta or afterbirth. This stage usually takes only a few minutes but can last up to an hour.

Most deliveries in western societies happen in a hospital with the assistance of doctors and nurses. But most children in the world are born in the custom of their culture. So there are many ways to deal with problems during childbirth. Successful delivery can be ensured with having the help of knowledgeable persons around. Homeopathy can help with nearly every problem associated with childbirth. But if complications happen, it is imperative to get the mother professional help immediately.

Some common problems include pre-term contractions, labor that does not progress or progresses too quickly, abnormal position of the fetus, excessive pain during labor and delivery, breathing problems for the newborn, hemorrhage during delivery, and retention of the placenta. In a hospital setting, there can be monitoring of the mother and child that can determine stress or problems. But for the sake of this brief article, I will not go into all of the medical possibilities. 

Remedies that can be helpful during labor and childbirth with their most common indications include:

  • Aconite - Pains unnaturally violent and frequent. Anxious and fearing. Sure she will die. Cannot bear the pain.
  • Arnica - Probably the most useful single remedy. Great discomfort. Bruised, sore feeling. Great for hemorrhage and after pains. Trembling and agitation. One dose of Arnica 30C after delivery oftentimes prevent post-partum hemorrhage.
  • Belladonna - Pains come and go suddenly with bearing down. Cervix does not dilate on account of the spasmodic action of the neck of the uterus. Cervix is rigid, thin, tender, and hot. Postpartum hemorrhage. Blood feels hot as it passes through the vagina. Hourglass contractions.
  • Cimicifuga - Nervous shivering in the first stages of labor. Convulsions during labor. False labor pains that shoot upward across the abdomen or from side to side. Cimicifuga 30C can help regulate labor. A few doses in the days leading up to childbirth is said to help facilitate labor and shorten the duration and reduce pain.
  • Caulophyllum - Can help regulate the labor. It can help speed up or slow down labor. After long-continued labor and exhaustion. Internal trembling with nervousness. Pains fly from place to place not normally where pain may be experienced.  Retained placenta from exhaustion.
  • Chamomilla - Pains spasmodic. Frantic from pain. Pain in the back extending down the legs. Can hardly return a civil answer, very irritable. Unusual reaction from a normally calm person.
  • Gelsemium - One of the best remedies to help relax the cervix leading to phase two of the first stage of labor. With every push, the child seems to push upward. Is rigid, thick. When labor has stopped and the uterus has lost tone and is relaxed and flabby. When the patient is drowsy and labor has stopped. When the water has still not broken but labor has progressed.
  • Ipecacuanha - Pains go from left to right. (Lyc pains go from right to left) with nausea. Sharp pains extending downward from the navel. Retained placenta. Hemorrhage with bright red blood. Constant nausea. Labored breathing.
  • Kali Phosphoricum - A Biochemic cell salt that is very tonic when administered in low potency (6X) during pregnancy prior to labor and childbirth. It helps tonify the mother and settles the nervous exhaustion. Will help facilitate labor when the pains are weak, distressing, and ineffectual.
  • Millifolium - After a very hard labor Mill. will have an action similar to Arnica. When Arnica fails. Hemorrhage bright red and fluid, painless and profuse. Similar to Ipecac. Preventative in post-partum hemorrhage.
  • Nux Vomica - Pains spasmodic and severe. Irregular. Labor seems ineffectual. Each push the fetus returns to the womb. Every pain cause desire to pass a stool or urinate. Nausea or vomiting from the pain.
  • Pulsatilla Nigricans - The best remedy for malposition of the fetus. Give Puls 30C occasionally in the three weeks before childbirth and the child will move to the proper position. Pains that are slow, weak or ineffectual, and spasmodic. Pains cause fainting. Patient wants the windows open and fresh air. Fells suffocated. Tearful disposition.
  • Secale - No expulsive action. Suited for this scrawny, thin, or weak women. When after pains are long and intense.
  • Sepia -  Retention of the placenta. Sepia will help after the acute after pains and recovery have been treated to help re-establish normal hormonal responses and mood.

This list of remedies and their indications is by no means complete. Study all of the remedies listed in the rubrics above. There are many more rubrics that deal with more specific symptoms. Studying a good repertory and materia medica before the actual birth is a very good idea. Conditions of childbirth can change quickly and it may be necessary to apply many remedies in succession. During the "emergency" is not the time to be studying the repertory and finding remedies. Be prepared. Have remedies in the 30C and 200C potencies available. It does no good to attend a birth and not be prepared. One needs to have a good selection of remedies available.

The wonderful thing about childbirth is that it can be "planned." Knowing the approximate date the child is due gives time to prepare. This is the most wonderful and beautiful use of homeopathy. A successful and easy birth that brings a healthy child into the world is one of life's most treasured moments.


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