
Showing posts from March, 2021

Homeopathic Trios

 Trios means “A set of 3  best remedies for a particular symptom or a disease condition”.   Dr E B Nash was one of the pioneers best known for his trios. There  are 154 useful trios given below  : 🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀 💦01.All gone sensation in chest- Digitalis, Phosphorous, Stannum Met  💦02. All gone sensation in abdomen- Phosphorous, Sepia, Stannum met. 💦03. Aphasia during singing or talking- Argentum nitricum, Arum triph, Causticum. 💦04. Bed feels hard- Arnica, Baptisia, Pyrogenium. 💦05. Bites (poisoned stage) of Insects- Gentiana lutea, Ledum pal, Staphisagria. 💦06 Bites Cats of- Hepar sulph, Ledum pal, Silicea 💦07 Bites Dogs of- Chromic acid, Lachesis, Lyssin. 💦08 Bites Mad dogs of (Rabies)- Belladonna, Cantharis, Lyssin. 💦09 Bites Snakes of- Arsenic alb, Lachesis, Ledum. 💦10 Bites Spiders of- Cedron, Lachesis, Tarent cub. 💦11. Burning (in general)- Arsenicum album, Phosphorous, Sulphur. 💦12. Burning in soles- Chamomilla, Medorrhinum, Sulph...