Anal fistula and Homeopathy

Anal fistula, also known as fistula-in-ano, is an abnormal channel that develops between the anal canal and the skin near the anus. It usually occurs due to an anal infection that causes accumulation of pus (abscess) in the anal area. This pus keeps on being released out through the channel.  

There are numerous glands present just inside the anus. An abscess may develop if one of these glands is blocked. About 50% of these abscesses result in the formation of fistulas. Rarely, a fistula may be caused by other processes like Crohn’s disease, tuberculosis, trauma, sexually transmitted diseases or cancer.

According to a pathological study, anal fistulas are commonly seen in the age group of 31 to 60 years, with a higher tendency in females. Anal fistula leads to unpleasant symptoms, such as discharge of pus, pain, discomfort and surrounding skin irritation. Generally, it does not heal on its own and requires surgical intervention.

Sometimes, the surgery may be performed more than once if a large amount of muscle needs to be cut. Extreme caution is needed while performing the surgery to avoid damaging the anal sphincter and affecting bowel emptying.

In recent years, the treatment for anal fistula has shifted from surgery to medical methods since surgery tends to permanently damage the internal anal sphincter and increases the risk of anal incontinence.

Homeopathy offers a non-surgical alternative to treating anal fistulas. Unlike conventional medicines, homeopathic medicines are given on the basis of the physical and mental traits of an individual and just their clinical symptoms.

When taken in the right dosage, as per the prescription of a qualified doctor, these remedies stimulate the person’s innate immunity and help heal anal fistulas in a non-invasive, safe and effective manner. Some of the commonly used remedies for anal fistula are berberis vulgaris, silicea, causticum and hydrastis canadensis.

  • As per Murphy Repertory there are 41 remedies listed under the rubric Fistula.
  • FISTULA,rectal;(41)Aloe,Alum,ant-c,aur,AUR-M,bar-m,bell,BERB,bry,cact,CALC,CALC-P.
  •  calc-s,CARB-V,carb-s,CAUST,fl-ac,Grap,Hep,Hydr,Ign,KALI-C,Kreos,Lach,Lyco,Merc,myris,NIT-AC,nux-v,paeon,petr,Phos,puls,quers,RAT,Sep,SIL,staph,Sulph,Syph,Thuj.
  • -alternates with chest disorders:(3) berb ,calc-s,Sil
  • -itching with:(1) berb
  • -palpitation,with:(1)cact
  • -recto-vaginal:(1)thuj
  • -perineum:(1)thuj
  • -vagina,and:(1)thuj
  • -pulsating:(1)Caust
  • Some most used Homeopathic medicines for anal fistula with detailed symptoms listed below.                                          
  • Berberis Vulgaris.                                                                                                                               Its best suited when combined with arthritic complaints with urinary disturbances.

    • Painful urination
    • Constant urge to pass stool
    • Radiating and shooting pain in anus.
    • Pain and burning in anus and perineum (area between the anus and vulva in women and between the anus and scrotum in men)
    • Pain and burning feeling in testicles and scrotum in male (Read more: Testicular pain treatment)
    • Tearing of skin around anus
  • Causticum
    • It acts mainly upon nerves, motor and sensory and on muscles, voluntary and involuntary; of bladder, larynx and limbs. 
    • Hard stool that is greasy or is covered with mucus
    • Partial paralysis of rectum 
    • Straining while expelling stool
    • Pain along with a burning sensation in rectum
    • Piles,agg standing.
  • Silica Terrra.(Silicea)

    • All types of fistula like anal fistula, fistulous ulcer in breasts, boils and fistulous tracts under the skin 
    • All diseases related to pus formation
    • Straining and stinging pain in rectum
    • Haemorrhoids

           Hydrastis Canadensis

    • Burning in chest
    • Bronchitis, especially in old patients
    • Weak digestion
    • Constipation
    • Anal fissures
    • Smarting (sharp and stinging) pain in rectum while passing stools and for long after emptying bowels
    • Piles.
  • Calcarea Phosphorica

    • Forgetfulness
    • Weak digestion
    • Numbness along with crawling sensations
    • Hard stool resulting in bleeding
    • Hot, undigested stool with bad-smelling flatus.
  • Nitricum Acidum.

    • Fissures
    • Constipation
    • Pain while passing stool
    • Irritability
    • Bleeding from bowel
    • Violent pain after passing stools, which lasts for hours
    • Foul-smelling sweat, urine, and stools
  • Staphysagria.

    • Sunken eyes and a tendency to get styes
    • Colicky pain on being angry
    • Bleeding gums and black crumbling teeth
    • Constipation
    • Stomach gas and abdominal swelling in children 
    • Haemorrhoids
  • Thuja Occidentalis.

    • Eye pain (ciliary neuralgia with dry, scaly eyelids
    • Severe headache, mainly on the left-side
    • Inflammation of sclera (the white part of the eye)
    • Chronic diarrhoea that worsens after breakfast
    • Loss of appetite
    • Abdominal distention along with flatulence
    • Anal fissures 
    • Constipation along with aggressive pain in the rectum
    • Piles
    • Stitching and burning pain in anus
  • Carbo Vegetabilis.

    • Hair fall with itchy scalp
    • Sudden memory loss
    • Heavy and constricted feeling in the head
    • Contracting pain in the stomach that extends up to the chest
    • Bleeding from nose and gums
    • Slow digestion resulting in rotting of food in stomach
    • Inability to wear tight clothing
    • Abdominal distention
    • Itching and burning in rectum and perineum
    • Burning in the anus area
    • Bluish, burning piles with pain after passing stools 
  • Kali Carbonicum.

    • Constant feeling that one's stomach is filled with water
    • Gagging, flatulence, and nausea which improve on lying down 
    • Headache on being exposed to cold wind
    • Ulceration and itching around the anus
    • Piles
    • Dry hair with severe hair fall
    • Large stools that are difficult to pass
    • Burning in the rectum and anus 

Homeopathic medicines are extremely diluted natural substances that are administered in minute doses based on the patient’s personality and severity of the disease. The action of these remedies can get easily affected by certain lifestyle and dietary habits. To prevent this, homeopathic physicians advise their patients to include the following modifications in their daily regime: 


  • Maintain an active lifestyle and cultivate healthy food habits.
  • Live in a clean and hygienic environment. 
  • In acute cases, it is advised to gratify the patient’s desire for food and drink, without persuading any diet that may hinder the effect of medicines.
  • Always have hot water Sitz bath to relive pain .
  • Use  Homeopathic Calendula or Hydrastis mother tinctures for external use to minimize the infection and hasten the healing process.


  • Beverages like coffee, herb teas and beer or liquor with medicinal substances are best avoided as they affect the efficacy of homeopathic medicines. 
  • Excessively heated rooms, as well as woollen and tight clothing, must be avoided in warm weather.
  • Overexertion of mind and extreme emotions must be avoided.

A case study conducted in India reported the positive effect of homeopathy in anal fistula. The case involved an unmarried woman who was unsuccessfully operated on thrice for anal fistula without any positive outcome. The woman was given homeopathic remedies like silicea, and myristica sebifera to be taken weekly after bedtime. Within four months of treatment, the patient's fistula was found to be improved and she did not experience pain on passing stools. 

In another case study, a man with anal fistula was treated with strict homeopathic regimen (remedies along with lifestyle and dietary modifications) for about four months before he reported symptomatic improvement. The condition was observed to be completely resolved after the completion of the treatment.

The biggest advantage of homeopathic treatment is that the medicines have minimum or no side effects. These remedies are said to be safe for patients of all age groups either as a standalone therapy or as an adjuvant with conventional treatment. 

It is best to consult a qualified doctor before taking any remedy.

Anal fistula is a tube that connects the anal area with the skin near the anus. It usually develops due to an anal abscess and is conventionally treated with surgery.

Homeopathy provides a non-invasive option for the treatment of anal fistula. It aims to treat the patient as a whole instead of focusing on symptomatic improvements alone. Case studies show that individualised homeopathic remedies can safely and effectively treat anal fistulas, preventing the need for surgery and providing permanent relief from the pain and everyday discomfort. A qualified homeopathic practitioner should be consulted for the therapy to achieve optimal benefit and rapid recovery. 

For queries and consultation you can call (91-9337404283) or mail me at


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