
Showing posts from February, 2022

Children with Homeopathy

REMEDIES FOR CHILDREN After nursing child vomits its milk in curds & refuses to nurse afterwards & is very cross. Nausea & persistent vomiting as soon as the child eats or drinks – Ant-crud. Anxiety while reading – Mag mur,Sepia. Attractive children – Arsenicum-alb. Aversion to write in children – Squilla maritima Big abdomen, spindly legs – Abrot, Sulphur Big belly due to bad digestion – Carbo-veg, Graphitis (constipated) Big head – Baryta- carb , Calc-carb, Sulphur . Big head, big abdomen – Baryta-carb, Calc-carb Lycopodium. Big head, coarse hair, heavily built, red lips and ear – Sulphur. Big head, spindly legs, biggish abdomen poorly developed chest, pale rough skin, sweats easily – Sulphur. Bites nail – Amm-brom ,Arsenicum-alb ,Sanic ,Hyos Bright objects makes the child gay and lively – Stram Cheeks red – Capsicum. Cheerful – Brom . Child afraid of being alone, wants mother to hold her hand – Stram; Bism; Lyco; Kali carb; Lil tig. Child averse to amusements – Bary- car