Homoeopathy Prescription ; The arts of prescribing

 Whenever I came across the intelligent communities of Homoeopathy fraternity,I notice there are so much debates over the proving of authenticity of this system of medicine according to modern science and technology. However after lots of association and reading I conclude that its a waste of time to prove it as its a pure medicinal energy therapy.We can't see or show the energy(medicinal healing properties and its way of working) to bare eyes rather it could be felt.Thats why this system still sustains its validity among all sections of people against all odds.Only the result is the reason behind the glory of this beautiful system.That's why we people are enjoying this life science with lots of energy(vital force).Here only the knowledge and experience matters which only comes from lots of patient interaction with guidance from old  & experienced Homeopaths.The certificate has nothing to do with the rate of success in practical field.Before concluding the introduction ,in my view it can't be denied the fact the process of preparing the Homoeopathic remedies is science and the prescribing pattern is classical art.There are various stalwarts and their methods of prescribing Homeopathy remedy,now being practiced.Here I am listing some of those and if you know more then write me also,so that I could learn that method also.

1.Classical Homeopathy: - Prescription based on taking all the qualifying rubrics of the patient, that is out of total mental, physical and general symptoms.This is most popular and commonly being practiced according to the Organon, This is most essential and authentic way to deal with chronic cases.Also called as Kentian method.

2.Clinical Homeopathy :-  Prescription based on clinical condition of the patient.Here the remedy selected on the basis of PQRS symptom of the disease .The physicians depends on various investigation and pathology reports and accordingly prescribes the specifics.

3.Predictive Homeopathy :-This is a scientific way of prescribing based on miasms and theory of suppression ,developed by Dr.Prafull Vijayakar.

4.Sensation method:- The remedies selected through a deep study and analysis by various natures of different kingdoms,developed by Dr. Rajan Sankaran.

5.Temperament method :- Rubrics and remedy selection on base of  differentiating the temperaments of a person.( temperament depends upon nature,behaviour and reaction pattern of individual)

6.Element Theory :- This is comprehensively developed by Dr.Jan Scholten .He thoroughly explored each substance homoeopathically from periodic table and the prescription is based only from mineral kingdom.

7.Mind method : - remedy selection based on purely mental symptoms of the patient.Exclusively developed by Dr.M.L.Sehgal(revolutionary homoeopathy) and then explored by many eminent drs like Dr.Narendra Gupta,Dr.Ashok Mohanty(applied mind),Dr.Milind Rao(based on IPR of a patient).

8.Combination method :- This is also called as complex Homoeopathy.Various combination of homeopathic remedies based on pathological name of the disease.

9.Mother tincture prescription :- This type of prescription relies on mother tincture preparations of the remedy according to the disease both internally and externally.

10. Bio-chemic prescription:- This is  a therapy ,developed  by Dr.Schuessler based on supplement principles ,usually prescribed along with a Homoeopathic prescription.Physician prescribes any particular remedy from 12 Biochemic tissue salts or combinations depending upon the complain.

11.Bach-flower prescription :- These remedies are an alternative or complementary treatment that is used for emotional problems and pain.This is developed by Edward Bach.The total list of remedies are 38.Some Homoeopaths are using these along with Homoeopathic prescription.

12.Acute prescriptions ;-These are based on red-line symptoms of a remedy.Physicians usually follow Allen's keynote ,Boger-Boenninghausen like books.Usually busy practions who are despatching hundreds of patient usually refers to these type of bedside prescriber books.They are fixed on what to prescribe for acutes and then whats next if chronic.

13.Intermittent and supplementary prescriptions ;- Some physicians use miasmatic intercurrent remedies to get rid of obstruction while treating a case for complete cure.Nosodes and sarcodes are also being prescribed by some Homeopaths.

For more queries and discussions you are free to call me on 9337404283 or Email me at-drandas28@gmail.com.


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